Zane placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Sorry. I forgot to warn you. What you just heard was the sound of a train whistle."

Hesitantly, I kept walking forward, following Vernick. I turned my head to look at Zane. "A...a train whistle?"

He nodded. "Yes. A train is like a huge, iron horse. I mean, big, and very long as well, with different sections all hooked together. It uses wheels, clamps, and tons and tons of steam and coal, depending on the type, to move forward. It's used to carry goods and people, taking them to far away places in much less time. It's like a car on steroids, I guess you could say."

I sighed. "Steroids? The rest I understand, but that one escapes me."

"Drugs, medicine used to make people feel empowered. It helps them go longer, run faster, jump farther. In general it's a body booster."

Slowly, I nodded. "Okay. Steroids, a body booster."

We fell silent and I only jumped one more time when I heard the sound of the train again a few minutes later. Vernick led the way unerringly. Even if this was Zane's capital, I was pretty sure it had changed since the last time he had been here. Thankfully, we didn't have to go uphill at all. Instead we continued toward the coast. The sound of seagulls grew louder and louder. When we finally broke from the busy, packed streets, it was to face a large island.

The island was the size of Hesleth, with a huge, grand castle taking up the majority of it. In the very center of the castle, a giant tower spiraled toward the sky. It was the tallest thing I had ever seen, at least three hundred feet, if not more. A very large stone bridge, fifty men wide, allowed passage from the island to the city. It was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.

Zane chuckled, grinning, as he took in my reaction. "I told you I went a little overboard. Seriously though, towers are one of my favorite things. That's actually my private quarters."

I could only shake my head, still staring, as we started over the bridge.

Thirty minutes later, a shout went up and we had reached the other end of the bridge. Swiftly, we were surrounded by even more guards. One of them broke through the ring around us and started to drag me away. "Throw the human in the dungeons!" I heard the yell of a man.

Before anyone could move, I was in Zane's arms, thirty feet away. Mina had appeared and was standing in front of us in her large form. She let out a low snarl, her long, curved tail twitching in warning.

You would dare place your hands upon the Lady? She growled in simmering rage. Fools you all are indeed. Seek you death? I am hungry, I would not mind granting it to you now...

Zane's arms around me tightened. "No one is placing this woman in a dungeon." Instantly, every single one of the men, including those that had been traveling with us, were forced to their knees. "Now, I must see my substitute. I'm not sure how or why, but it seems they have been allowing discrimination and racism to run rampant in my country. I will not stand for this."

"Z-Zane," I whispered. "Put me down, please. I can walk on my own. Thank you though, both of you," I glanced at Mina as I spoke.

She turned her head and dipped into a bow. I expected her to leave. Instead, she moved away from the soldiers and came to stand at my side, once Zane had released me. I reached out and ran my fingers along the back of her spine. Her fur was incredibly soft to the touch. She let out a loud purr.

Slowly, Zane led the way further into the castle. Mina and I followed behind. The castle was eerily quiet and deserted looking as we made our way through it. At least until five minutes later, when I began to hear deranged laughter. It was high and piercing, hitting notes that actually made my ears hurt.

My Journey with the Demon King Where stories live. Discover now