"I just need to go and see the warden before we have our meeting," Madam Bones informed him before veering off to the left.

Harry obediently followed along.

The grey sky above suddenly broke apart as intense beams of sunlight lanced down into the courtyard. The smile on his face froze, though, as he looked up. High above the prison, midnight black shapes floated about. Some were obviously encircling the island. Others seemed to be drifting aimlessly about. Others, though, remained stationary above the great stone fortress, concentrating on the towers that Madam Bones had pointed out as the High Security Wings of the prison.

Realising that he was in danger of being left behind, Harry hurriedly crossed the courtyard to re-join Madam Bones just before she passed through a heavy wooden door reinforced with black metal bands.

"Madam Bones, it's a pleasure to see you again," a grizzled-looking old man said from behind the desk in the office that they'd entered.

"Warden McNally," Madam Bones nodded her greeting.

"Shall we get the security part over with first?" the Warden asked, his steel-blue eyes raking across to take in Harry as well.

At Madam Bones' nod, two guards stepped forward. They both already had their wands out and, while they were currently trained on the floor, Harry could tell that they'd be ready to send a spell their way at half a thought's notice.

"Your wands, please," the guard on the right asked.

Both Harry and Madam Bones handed over their wands, only to have them scanned with the guard's wands before they were passed across the desk to the Warden. In return, the two visitors were handed a small grey wooden disc.

"Hand that in when you're ready to leave and we'll give you back your wands," the guard instructed.

Feeling kind of naked without his wand strapped securely in his wrist holster, Harry pocketed the disc.

"Warden McNally, how many Death Eaters do you have incarcerated here?" Madam Bones asked.

"Death Eaters? Eleven in the high security cells. Another twenty-seven in general cells. Why do you ask?" Warden McNally replied.

"I've received information that a certain dark wizard may not be quite as gone as we'd all like to think," sharp intakes of breath met Madam Bone's announcement. "I'd like you to move all of the remaining Death Eaters to the highest security cells that you have and see about adding some extra layers of security to them as well."

"You expecting an attack on Azkaban?" Warden McNally asked.

Madam Bones shook her head. "No. And there's no evidence that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is in any position to even consider it now or even in the future. But I'd rather we be overly cautious now rather than be bitten in the backside later."

"Not to worry, Madam Bones, I'll see to the arrangements as quickly as I can and have a report on your desk shortly after that," Warden McNally promised.

With a nod, Madam Bones turned towards the door. "I assume that Black's in the interview yard?"

"Ready and waiting whenever you are," the security guard on the right replied. "If you'd care to follow us?"

As the four of them passed out the door back into the courtyard, Harry couldn't resist a look up. Sure enough, the dark spectres were still flying about overhead.

"Madam Bones, what are those ... things up there?" he asked hesitantly.

Harry saw her look up and grimace before shooting him a brief glance. "Dementors, Harry. They're a part of Azkaban's guard force. Unfortunately, they're a necessary evil. They drain off and feed upon every happy thought a person has. And with no happy thoughts, it's damn well near impossible to perform magic. Perfect for guarding a prison. With no happy thoughts and no magic, the prisoners give up even the idea of attempting to escape. Of course, if they get too close, they can administer their last weapon, a kiss that sucks out a person's soul."

The Cupboard Series 2: Hermione's Book NookWhere stories live. Discover now