Chapter Seventeen.

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The amount of crying, anger, and mixed emotions that flowed through Shawn and I yesterday was astonishing. I never thought I would see Shawn that way in a million years. The alarm clock sounded and I quickly silenced it. Shawn needed all the sleep she could get, even though I was up all night.

Sighing, I got out of bed. I missed her warmth already. I threw on a business suit, and some of my black heels. I tried to be as silent as I could. So as soon as Shawn shifted slightly I held my breath and froze. Her breathing slowed and just like that she was asleep again. I smiled and walked over to her side of the bed. Luckily, I still had a few minutes to spare. I admired her as my fingers brushed against the structure of her jaw. Though yesterday had been filled with drama on top of drama, it was also the most amazing day of my life.

Shawn had just gotten off the phone with Chanel, and she looked pissed. Her jaw was flexed, her eyes were dark, the smile that was once on her face was gone with no evidence of it ever being there.

"What the hell happened?" She stared at me. But her eyes showed no emotion. She looked lifeless; empty.

"Just hold me. Please.." Her voice broke and her shoulders dropped. She looked so defeated. I bit my lip and leaned into her. Hoping that my touch would relax her; I slipped my hand underneath her shirt and began to draw small circles into her toned abs. And just like planned, she relaxed into me. We sat there for a moment. A comfortable silence filled the air, and I smiled as I began to drift to sleep.

"I love you." My eyes snapped open and I froze. The sound of those words leaving her mouth made my heart flutter. But I could immediately tell that she regretted saying them. Her body shifted and she began to pull away.

"N-no." This time she froze, before allowing us to shift back to the position we were in before. I nuzzled my head into her neck and began leaving wet kisses down her throat. Her breathing stopped for a second as I sucked on her pulse point. She dug her nails into my hips and I moaned. She rolled us over and settled between my legs.

Her tongue slid against my collar bone as she made her way to my clothed breasts. I arched into her and let out a soft whimper. I wanted her. I wanted her to make love to me. But first I needed to let her know how much she meant to me. I gripped her face and pulled her up. She stared deep into my eyes, and I could see the love, the lust, the desire, I could see how much she cared for me.

"I love you, too." A wide grin took over her face and just like that she attacked me. She began kissing all over my body, from my neck to my breasts, down my stomach, and between my thighs. I gasped and pulled her closer. I knew exactly where this was leading, and I also knew exactly how much we both needed this.

A smile spread over my face as I thought of the night before. I missed the feeling of closeness I got with Shawn whenever we made love to each other. I slowly leaned down and pecked her lips. I really didn't want to leave but unfortunetely I love money. Well rather, what money can buy.

My alarm, reminding me when I had to leave for work rang and I got up, pecked her lips once more and just like that I was on my way to work. The traffic was hectic but eventually I made it. And as I walked into the building Vanessa's annoying ass got in my face.

"Ooo Carmen! Did I tell you what happened to me?!" I rolled my eyes. This was gonna be a long ass day.


It was about 9 pm when I was on my way home. Today was Francis' family day and I didn't wanna ruin it. Plus Shawn had already had a rough time throughout the last few days. She just needed to rest. My heels clanked loudly against the concrete. I missed Shawn so much and to be honest I was kind of scared to be walking in the dark around this time.

"Hello." I smiled. God, I miss her so much.

"Hey baby." She chuckled at my excitement.

"Hello beautiful. Where are you?" I bit my lip. I didn't want Shawn to know I was walking alone around this time. She would have a fuckin' fit.

"I'm on my way home." The line went silent.

"Baby, why does it sound like your outside; not in the car?" I sighed.

"I'm..." I drifted off, preparing myself for her reaction. "Not in the car, Shawn. I'm walking home."

"What the fuck!? Girl, what the hell is your problem?! The fuck you mean 'you walking home'?! It's nine o'clock at night Carmen!" I cringed and my pace slowed. I knew she was worried but damn. I hated when she fuckin' screamed at me.

"I said I'm walking home, Shawn! I let Vanessa borrow my car. I didn't wanna bother you!" She sighed guiltly.

"Carmen. I didn't mean to yell at you, baby. I just don't want you walking home at this time of night. Where are you?"

"I'm by the Soulaje Fashion Building."

"Okay, stay there baby. I love you." The line went dead and I smiled lightly. Shawn cared for me. She truly cared for me. I sat on the refurbished bench and waited. I looked around to pass the time. The night sky was slightly lit with the very few stars that hung freely in the sky. The silent air around me smelt fresher than normal and I took a deep breath.

Since Shawn and I's relationship began, she's changed me; and not in a bad way. It seemed like I was calmer, more content. Finally, I was able to slow down and not loose control so fast. I loved the way she could help me without even knowing just how much she was doing for me.

As I sat there, lost in my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. Normally, around this time the people in the audience would be yelling at the screen and telling me that there's some psycho bitch behind me with a knife and a fuckin' ski mask. But instead of listening to my stomach, and bookin' the fuck outta there; I sat and waited for Shawn. The feeling of being watched became stronger and I shivered. I was starting to get scared. Shawn was taking forever and I swear someone was sittin' in that black esclade that was parked in front of the Soulaje building, near the alley. I sighed and sat back, trying to relax. I sat there for a moment until I felt a presence behind me.

I turned around and felt something go over my head and tighten around my neck. I let out a loud scream and began to claw at the material. I felt it tighten before I was yanked over someone's shoulder. I bit my lip at the pain of their grip as the tears flowed down my face. I felt myself being put into a car. I began to claw at the person's skin. I heard them cuss under their breath before the sound of a door shutting filled my ear. My arms were yanked behind my back and I whimpered. The second person, who was definitely a woman from the softness of her hands, tied my hands behind my back tight enough to allow the ropes to cut harshly into my skin; I hissed. I could hear the person who grabbed me cutting on the car. The woman who was in the back with my pulled off the bag and harshly gripped my hair pulling my head to her lips.

"Aw, poor baby." She slid her tongue against my earlobe. "You're scared now?" She paused. "You ain't seen nothin' yet, baby girl." She yanked my hair once more and I came face to face with that bitch. I knew I hated her for a reason. Somethin' was fishy. And from the look in her eyes, she wasn't just gonna hurt me. This bitch wanted me dead.

"Chanel!?" She smirked and raised her hand before everything went black.

Damnnnnn. That sneaky bitch. Lmao! Cliffhanger & a plot twist. Lawd, in the words of Chanel; "Ya'll ain't seen nothin' yet." This is just the beginning to the end. I hope y'all enjoy. Shit is about to hit the fuckin' roof. More to come. To be continued... ;)

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