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There are many possibilities in this world.

Every day, someone out there is winning a 1: 1.000.000 lottery. Every day, someone is being buried six feet below the ground, inside a stuffed coffin while dressed like they're going to somewhere fancy. Every day, the happiest couples state their vow before tying their bonds. Every day, mothers from all over the worlds are either hearing their first-born's cries or crying over their first-born's silence. Things happen to keep this floating ball of dirt and water rotates every 24 hours.

But not everyday someone is fated be involved in the war of two giant transforming robots' fraction.

In one fateful day (how cliché) one of the miner Vehicons left a track of Energon fragments on the ground, near humans' living area, where you were wondering around in order to finish your project. This project requires you to collect at least five different rocks. You're a good student, but your (least favorite subject)'s grade is falling, and this project should be able to cover it up. Five different rocks; didn't sound so difficult it is? Wrong. In such dry area as Jasper, it's very rare to find a rock that is different from another, let alone five. Even if there are some, to find them would costs you hours of wandering blindly in open area, lots of bending yourself over and crawling on the ground to difference a rock and a piece of hardened dirt that would give you a backache at the end of the day, not to mention if the weather. It's Jasper—you're either looking for rocks under the stinging heat of the sun or almost literally blindly looking for rocks in the darkness of cloudy day.

Lucky for you, it was a cloudy day. Dark and cold, but you can handle it by wearing a good jacket and a flashlight on one hand. But even without the flashlight, you'll be able to see the neon blue rocks, scattered on the ground near a humongous rock that resemble a tiny hill. The strange rocks are scattered in a line that formed a track which led you to the said hill. They're so pretty and you're hypnotized. Carefully, you use two pens as a chopstick to pick one of the rocks to see it closer. Upon a closer inspection, you realize that these rocks aren't only neon blue, but are also glowing and radiating.

A track of strange, neon blue rocks that are nothing like any earthen material you ever see, that is somehow scattered on the ground near Jasper? Wait until the media—

A giant robotic leg stepped just half meter before you, and the shaking impact made you lost your balance. Your bum touched the ground in the same time as something hot just flashed above your head with a deafening 'whoosh', burning some strays of your hair. You looked up and the giant robot aiming his alien laser gun. That thing rotates and screeching with its loud 'kheeee' noise—something it's about to shoot out from that gun, and whatever is that it, couldn't be good for you.

The adrenaline kicked in and your basic instinct activated. Your body suddenly felt light, your mind gone blank, and only the tip of your feet that touched the ground as you sprinting away from them. The speed you use to fled away would beat Usain Bolt's, but alas, the giant robot, that is apparently could also transform into a car, is catching up with you in no time and look, it brought its friends along. Have a good time with your friends by killing humans. How cute.

The robot shot again and, while not directly, hit your leg. It's not enough to break your leg or anything, but it send you flying—rolling and tumbling on the cold hard ground like a stuntman on action movie scene. Only this time you'll die tragically without appearing on the news or any TV channel because the robots would most likely to vaporize you up with their death rays.

It wasn't even the wound—your body was too shocked to do as your brain screamed, and you can hear the mechanical whirls and clicks as they transform back to their bipedal form.

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