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4 days later...
Jacksons pov
Dylan and I are bored. We have nothing to do. We were just sitting their until a thought came into my mind. Kids. I want to have kids. I just don't know like when to have kids. Dylan most likely doesn't want kids.
"Dylan. Do you want kids someday?"
"Yeah of course. I want us to have a family."
"When is the right time for kids?"
"I haven't thought about it. Maybe like next month I really don't know Jackson."
"Hmm. Maybe we should have kids next month."
I'm happy we're having kids. I always wanted to get married and have a family of my own. I'm already married to the most beautiful human being. The only thing or should I say people, is kids. I started looking into adoption and like how to raise kids. I want to have kids. I looked into all the research and stuff and i think I got everything down. I have some names for girls
And for boys I have
That's all I have.
"Dylan do you want a girl or boy?"
"How about we have both. 2 boys 2 girls."
"So you want four kids?"
"Yes why not? I mean eventually they'll start coming up to us saying 'i can't relate to any of my brother's or I can't relate to any of my sister's"
"Yeah you're right. Do you wanna go adopt now or do you want to wait."
"I'm ready for kids. But the real question we should be asking is, are you ready?"
"Yes. Yes I am."
"Okay let's go pick kids of our own."

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