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So I have a condition called A congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Now for all you unmedically educated people out there, it means I have a hole in my diaphragm. Now for most people, it's just a small hole that can be sewn together muscle on muscle. Now, I wasn't that lucky. I have barely any muscle on the left side. So I have a patch. Which could lead to this thing called reherniation. Which means that the patch could come loose from the muscle and I could have a hole in my diaphragm once again. They said I had a greater chance of it happening if I was taller, and here I am, 5'8". This causes a bit of pain. And nobody realizes I'm in pin because I don't tell people when I'm in pain. I'm pretty good at hiding it because of things that have happened in my life. I also have a condition that causes fluid to build up behind my ear drums. It cause ear infections, and now that I'm older and I'm one of the rare cases that it hasn't gone away as I got older, it causes my ear drum to retract into my head. This means it's basically being drawn into it, like a vacuum is sucking it in. So this also causes pain. I also might have arthritis or bursitis. Both of which are painful. But I don't know which one I have. I'm getting tested for arthritis soon. Anyway, this causes my joints to be sore most of the time, and because I'm a dancer, I use my joints a lot, and repeated motion makes it worse. So ya. I have a lot wrong with me. It sucks. A lot. But, I also have a bunch going for me. I'm a junior in high school, and am starting college in a month. Its only a night class though. It's being paid for my the school, and it counts as 7 high school credits. I am really good at school, and ok at tennis and dance. I have a boyfriend who understands what I'm going through with my parents and friends that support me. I might not be perfect, but I'm enough to just enough people. So I'm gonna keep on smiling and pissing off the people who hate me with my success. Well, that's all I have for now ig.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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