
There was a knock on my bedroom door and I frowned, knowing Rosalie had went home. My heart dropped when I knew it was Cody, who I didn't want to see.

"Come in," I said, pulling my blankets around me protectively.

The door opened and Cody stepped in. He stared at me for a moment and I stared back, waiting for him to say something. It made me feel vulnerable as I remembered the way he had hurt me by simply laughing.

"You know the mystery Rosalie talked about, I think we should check it out," Cody said. "It sounds interesting."

"I'm not interested," I said flatly.

There was an awkward silence for a moment as I looked down, hoping Cody would leave me alone. I felt petty and immature, but I couldn't help the way I felt. That was a curse and a blessing - the ability to feel.

"Charlotte, why are you mad at me?" Cody asked. "What did I do?"

"Jason treated me like trash yesterday and you did nothing about it," I blurted out, unable to contain it. "I thought we were friends. I thought... you cared."

Cody looked pained as I stared at him, my eyes sad. He gulped and then sighed.

"I'm sorry, seriously Charlotte," Cody said. "Jason's my friend and he... can be a jerk sometimes and I don't comment on it because he's my best friend. It's wrong, but... I'm not perfect. I make mistakes."

I didn't know what to say to that. No one was perfect, but I hated the idea of letting people hurt me because of that. It didn't seem justifiable.

"How about this, let's search for the hints together and see where that takes us," Cody said. "I know you're mad, but let me try to make up for it... somehow."

Cody's eyes pleaded with me to agree. There was a sadness written across his face that made me give in. Even though I knew I should stay away from Cody because I would only end up hurt in the future, I just couldn't say no to him.

"Fine," I said. "Okay, we'll search together."

Cody lit up and I stared at him, my eyes narrowed. He deflated at that and I got up, walking past him. He followed me as I climbed down the stairs.

"I have no idea what we're looking for, so how should we start?" Cody asked once we were downstairs.

"I guess we'll check each room," I said. "I don't know."

Cody and I went our separate ways as we began to look at the rooms nearby. As I looked, I moved furniture, checked the walls for hidden passageways, and the floors for hidden doors. I couldn't find anything, however, which left me deflating. There seemed to be nothing unusual in my house and I wondered if what Rosalie told us was just a tale.

"Did you find anything?" Cody asked once I was in the kitchen. "Because I didn't."

"No, I didn't," I said, sighing. "What if it's just a tale? What if someone made it up because they hate my family?"

"That would suck, but... let's not give up yet," Cody said. "How about we look in your basement?"

"I've never actually been to my basement, but sure."

"Really?" Cody's eyes widened. "That's perfect."

Cody and I walked to the basement door that was attached to the kitchen. He held the door open for me and I raised my eyebrows, making Cody laugh.

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