Dear sister

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Ada looked appalled, and started stuttering. "I don't know what your talking about." I smiled a little, knowing I had the upper hand. I turned and looked at the mirror in the room. I've watched tv, I knew that was actually a tinted window.
"Oh, they don't know, do they?" I said chuckling.
"But I gotta say. I've got a number of confirmed kills at about, oh, I don't know, 38? So it makes sense that I'm here, cuffed. But you? Standing across from me, with a badge at your hip, and your list of confirmed kills is significantly higher, isn't it? How many kids were in that school Ada? How many before you blew it all to hell? 200? No no, that's how many for each grade. And there's 4 grades in high schools, so, 800? Wow. I'm impressed." I said, smiling at her terror, looking from me, to the window, knowing her job was history,
"Oh wait! But I forgot about staff! And there's about a staff of, oh I want to say 50 in that school, so 850 confirmed kills!" I said, leaning in.
"Tell me Ada, did you cherish the cries of their loved ones? Did you Breath in the smell of their charred bodies? Did you smile knowing that you had killed that many people? Like I have? We're more alike then I thought. But the difference between you and me is, I admit that I love to watch the life drain out of people. Watching their blood ooze and drip from my sword. I enjoy watching the sheer terror on their faces grow as they realize that this is their last moments of life. I love listening to the sweet sound of them gargling on their own blood as they gasp for air like fishes out of water. And then listening for that last breath exit their bodies. Watching how their bodies just grow limp after awhile. Then the begging for their lives, oh, I live for it! How they think that just maybe, just maybe, they'll get out of this alive. And I take that beautiful sliver of hope that they have, and crush it." I said, closing a fist. "You know what? I have a new goal. My goal is to have a confirmed kill list as long as my big sisters!" I said, laughing, and grinning like a psychopath.
She stood up quickly, and yelled in my face, "shut the hell up! We are nothing alike, you pathetic scum!" Her hands trembled at her sides, and I continued to laugh. Another agent came in, and whispered in her ear. Ada looked flustered and quickly began to walk out. As she left, I called out, "but there was one survivor! And what you did to her was a million times worse then death by explosion! Ada the exploder! That's who you are!" I yelled as she slammed the door. The other agent looked at me in fear.
"What? It's all true. Can I have my one phone call now?" I said, shrugging.
He quickly left, and locked the door behind him. I got up, and stretched my legs.
"You used to always say that my drawings were crap, Ada. But you'll see what my 'crap' can do when your looking at the sharp end of my sword, blood seeker." I whispered, smirking. After a few moments, he came back.
"What, you going to read me my rights too? Just ask my dear sister what I said. I don't see the need to confess again." I said, folding my arms as best I could with the cuffs, but soon gave up. Instead, he just tossed a cellphone on the table.
"Phone call. You have two minutes."
I looked at the phone, and back up at him. "Your not a chatty one, are you?"
"Not with someone with a supposed confirmed kill list of 38, and proud of it, no."
I mouthed oh, and then picked up the phone.
I dialed 4310, and it gave me the dial tone. The dial tone ended, and silence was all that was left. I turned around, phone still at my ear, and said, "I found her. And yeah, I did get busted, but I found her."
I ended the call, and then passed the phone back to him. When he struggled to catch it, I kicked him in the balls. He doubled over, and I took the advantage and kneed his head hard. He wasn't out yet, but he was on the ground. I sat on his back. And began strangling him, and then people started to try and bust open the door. I quickly got up and shoved his body in the way of the door, and grabbed my chair and used shoved it under the door handle on top of him. He started to squirm, so I stomped on his head, knocking him out and breaking his nose. I grabbed the second chair and started thrusting it at the tinted window. It bounced off harmlessly, and I cursed. I could get more oomph if my hands weren't tied together. I looked at the table, only to find it bolted to the floor.
Damn, a little paranoid, are we?
Never the less, I went under the table and tried to force it up. Unfortunately, it was bolted down pretty well, and did me no good. The door sprang open, sending their bloodied agent into the wall, and chair. I scrambled out from under the table, and raced to the newly open door, hoping to find it as an exit, but a couple of men grabbed hold of me, and held me above ground. I thrashed, but he kept ahold on me. One of them came forward with a needle, and I thought to myself, no way in HELL am I letting that thing touch me! I kicked it from their hand, and lurched my legs back, knocking the person that was holding me legs out from from under them. We both went crashing down, and I scrambled away, only to be caught by another person. They dragged me down to the ground, and I yelled in protest.
"Get your filthy hands off of me!!"
Then someone from in front of quickly took their phone from their pocket and dropped it like it was burning.
I smiled, and stopped thrashing.
"What the hell???" He said, as it started glowing.
It started to jump up and down, and an enraged but amused red head leaped out of the phone. Her feet landed on the ground with a thump.
"#hashtag, hiya boys!" She said. She blew them a kiss, and her tiny bits flew from her hand.
"#your dead." She said. The bots sprayed across the men, and they all started crying out in pain, electrical sparks coming off of their bodies. A couple of the bots went to my cuffs, and Pixel casually took out her phone, and and swiped at it. My cuffs disappeared like a computer glitch, and I rubbed my wrists. "Now we're talking! And I'll admit, that was quicker then I expected." I said, getting up.
I high fives her, and she said, "#well you said Ada was here. Where is that bitch." She said darkly. I smiled.
"Not a clue. But that makes it ever so fun. Can you hack into the system and lock her in?" I said.
She smiled, and then glitches out into the security system above us.
Oh, this is gonna be fun.

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