50 chicken facts

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1.Chickens have really good memory. They can recognise people's faces.

2.Chickens can see colour.

3.They have dreams like humans while sleeping.

4.They can feel pain and distress.

5. Many hens were used for a year for eggs.

6.There are many chickens in the world.

7.The rooster's wattle are used to bring the attention to him when dancing for the hens.

8.Chickens love playing with their owners!

9.Hens talk to their chicks while still in the eggs.

10.Each time a chicken clucks means something is specific.

11.A chicken can live for a short time without a head!

12.Hens can lay over 300 eggs a year.

13.Hens turn their eggs about 50 times a day.

14.The largest egg weighed almost 12 ounces.

15.The breed called turkeys isn't a chicken and turkey crossbreed and it is a myth.

16.Chickens can't change their genders and that is also a myth.

17.The waste made by chickens in their lifetimes can make a lot of electricity to run a 100 watt light bulb for 5 hours!

18.The record number of eggs laid in a day by a hen is 7.

19.The phobia of chickens is called Alektorophobia.

20.Chickens eaten at KFC around the world circle the Earth at equator of 11 times.

21.The oldest chicken is called Muffy and is 22.

22.Freshly laid eggs is 105 degrees Fahrenheit.

23.The scientists believe that chickens have been domesticated about 8000 years ago.

24.Chicks start developing at 88 degrees Fahrenheit.

25.They have more bones in their necks more than giraffes.

26.Chickens can mourn each other's death.

27.There are more chickens than humans on the earth.

28.Silkies have 5 toes.

29.The chicken actually came before the egg.

30.In 2009, a woman found a fried chicken head in her chicken wing box at McDonalds.

31.If the chicken's ear lobes are red and it will lay brown eggs, if their ear lobes are white, they lay white eggs.

32.When the chicken lays fewer eggs, but the larger eggs grow older.

33.The heart of a chicken beats 300 times a minute.

34.Chickens can't taste anything sweet.

35.They can taste anything salty.

36.A stressed chicken can lose their feathers.

37.Their beaks can bleed.

38.A rooster's dance is called tidbitting.

39.The record of a chicken's flight is 13 seconds.

40.The record number of yolks inside a egg is nine!

41.It is illegal to eat fried chicken with anything but your fingers in Gainesville, Georgia.

42.219 million male chicks are killed every year in egg industries.

43.If the egg white is cloudy, it is fresh.

44.The cage space for chickens is less than 8" by 11" sheet of paper.

45.A chicken group is called a flock.

46.Light can make hens lay eggs.

47.Hens has to eat about four pounds of feed to make a dozen eggs.

48.Chickens have 75% water inside their bodies.

49.Chickens don't pee because they mix it with poop.

50.In the 1998 FIFA World Cup, a rooster was chosen to be the mascot.

*You have learned 64 facts

*There are 884 facts left

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