| Eighteen

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SHE HURRIES THROUGH THE GRASS but his legs are longer than hers and once they reach the edge of a thick wood, she begs him to stop as she collapses on the ground to catch her breath.

"Well, we're here anyway," he says before kneeling in the wet grass.

Hermione walks over to the Weasley twin and finds that he's kneeling in front of a gravestone.

Ronald Bilius Weasley

1980 - 1998

She gasps at the sight of such a meaningful date, and it sends a shiver down her spine.

"What happened?"

George wants to push her away, he wants to do the same thing to her that happened to Ron and so many others, but he can't bring himself to hurt someone else.

"He left us," he begins in a shaky voice. "He didn't like Draco joining, and none of us did, really, but for some reason, his hatred went the deepest. He was ready to kill him when Dumbledore and the others stepped in."

He pauses to suck back tears.

"He left, because we let one of you join us. He died, because we chose your kind over our own. We won't make that mistake again, though."

Knowing exactly where he's going with this threat, she throws herself back, grabbing her wand in the process.

"Stupefy," she shouts, not wanting to hurl a curse at him.

He dodges it. When he gains his footing, he raises his wand.

Wanting to calculate her next move, she tries to read his mind, and with him being so occupied, Hermione easily hears him thinking about using the killing curse on her. But by then, her two seconds of hesitation are up, she can't protect herself. She closes her eyes, accepting that her mission is done. She has failed.

I'm sorry, Ron -

Harry -

Draco -

Then she hears a thud and a grunt as someone falls on the ground. She opens her eyes to find herself still upright, but in front of her is the unconscious body of the Weasley twin. Standing across from her, hidden amongst the foliage, is the scowling face of Dean Thomas.


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