Chapter 2 - Numb

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(A/N the / means a different kind of entity is talking. A fourth wall breaking entity)

Lorelai sat up quickly, her vision blurred by the tears. "We... I... Ummm." She started, but she couldn't force herself to say anything. Anthony picked her up off the ground and put her on her feet. She swayed weakly.

Anthony glanced around the hotel room, the baby was just gone. He shuddered. No one they had ever had to deal with had been that strong after just dying. Lorelai picked up her scythe off the ground and phased through the door into the hallway of the hospital. "Down the hall... There is another one we have to take care of." She floated, not wanting to put any effort into walking. Anthony followed behind.

The room they walked into was just the same as the previous room, just mirrored. The elderly man laying on the bed seemed peaceful in his sleep. "What a perfect way to go." Lorelai said in a monotone voice, one that her brother had never heard before. The man's spirit floated out of his body, he locked eyes with Lorelai.

"Oh hello young lady!" He smiled sweetly, he had no idea.

"Hello, sir" she replied. She held her scythe out to him, "let's relive your best moments."

The man grabbed on. /Now, it's a common opinion that your life flashes before your eyes when you die. Now that's... kind of true. Lorelai, being the friendly spirit she is, she takes you to go see some of your best memories, making sure the final thought that would be repeated throughout eternity would be positive. Wait, I need to explain that don't I? Alright. Now as Lorelai takes the man across his life, I will take you down to the crossroads at Exposition and Explanation avenue.

Brain dead is a common phrase that needs to be debunked. Your brain doesn't stop, it just repeats your final thought. Lorelai likes to make sure that the thought is positive. The superstition that people need to hold their breath when they walk by graveyards? Yeah, that was before Lorelai started this tradition, there is an  intense pain that living souls could feel from the final negative people thinking about for eternity. It's interesting really the positive can't be felt but the negativity piles on and on an- oh wait,/ Lorelai is done.

The spirit in front of the siblings glowed a beautiful gold colour, a good sign. He laughed, "I understand now. Goodbye, young lady!" He walked by the nurses wheeling away his corpse, he was ready.

Lorelai giggled slightly, "That one went well. I wonder what happened to that lady!? How are we going to find her, Anthony!?!" She began to sob again.

"Stop stop. It's okay. Let's go home and take a breather okay?" Anthony gingerly reached for the flower in his hair, a flower that he was keeping alive just because Lorelai gave it to him. He took it in his hand and brought it to his sister.

Her sobs quieted and she looked up in confusion. "W- what?"

"You gave this to me to feel better. I think right now you need it more than me." Anthony grabbed her hand and started to quickly phase through walls to their home. As they broke the barrier into their world, one of pure darkness. /AAND I'm back.. Now humans have never actually experienced darkness, just the absence of light. Darkness itself is.. Well I guess the word would be 'Thicker' oh wait. This is 2018. 'Thiccccccccer' than light. So you basically have to swim in darkness. Lorelai and Anthony live in a world of darkness, inaccessible by humans. Now while I have the time, I would like to explain what happens to spirits after Lorelai does her thing.. What? WAIT!! I'M NOT DONE YET! PLE-/

Lorelai sat in her favourite chair and sobbed some more. "I'm terrible at my job. I let a spirit get away!!!"

Anthony was taken back by this, "You are not terrible at your job! She overpowered you! I have no authority over death, heck I can't really see them and they can't see me! I could only feel her power. There was nothing you could do!"

"IF I HAD BEEN STRONGER!" Lorelai snapped back, her grey eyes fading even darker. "I-" she sobbed again. "I'm so sorry!!!"  She quickly ran out the house with the guilt of her yelling at her only friend and sibling weighing down on her.

( A/N sorry it took a while for my friend to write it and it took me a couple days to get to reading it but I hope this was worth the wait :) )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2018 ⏰

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