Happy birthday

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Welcome back in this chapter you will find out what the gift is. so lets go!

The next morning Your pov

I yawned and stood up, brushed the grass off me then flew into my house. I walked into my room and opened my drawer. I dressed in a simple f/c shirt and pants. i brushed out my hair and put it into a ponytail. (If you have short hair just ignore the pony tail part :)) I grabbed and put on a pair of F/s's (Favorite shoe) there. I walked into my kitchen and grabbed/cooked a f/f (Favorite food) for breakfast. i flew outside and sat down in the soft grass and ate. Just as i finished i spotted helbram flying towards me with a goofy grin on his perfect face. I stood up and waved. "Hey whats up?" he landed infront of me with his hands behind is back. "Happy BirthDay, y/n!" he said as he handed me a baby F/a. (Favorite animal) I stared at the F/a in shock then i grabbed helbram and hugged him. "Thank you !" i said with a huge smile.  I breathed in his scent that smelled of white roses.  (Below is a link to a page that gives info on Helbram you should check it out.)  He awkwardly returned my hug and after a while i pulled away when i looked up at helbram he gave me a closed eye smile.  At that second i felt like my heart exploded i could feel my face heat up as if i was on fire. "So, do you have plans for today?" he asked in his cheery voice.  I shook my head. "No, why?" I smiled and looked up at him he met my gaze. "I was thinking maybe you would want to hang with me today?"  He stared down into my E/c eyes with a small smile. "Of course! Where do you want to go?"  He tilted his head to the side and put his hand over his mouth.  "Lets go to the ...Human World" My face lit up at the idea, if there was one thing we had in common it was our interest in humans and there ways of life, even though Harliquin says not to trust them..I quickly nodded my head. "Yeah!!" He began to clap cheerfully and I couldn't help but blush at his childish behavior. I grinned and flew forward and grabbed his hand and pulled him with me after we put up P/n(pets name) in my house of course. "HURRY UP SLOW POKE!" I said rather loudly. He tightened his grip on my hand causing me to blush and followed me.

One hour later

In the end it was me that got dragged. But we were finally here, The human world. It was cool there were shops everywhere! So many different smells and sights! We both were having a hard time holding in our excitement. And the whole time helbram never, not even for a second let my hand go. I smiled as I watched a few children run past us chasing a small cat that had a piece of chicken in its jaws. After a while we stopped by a small cafe for lunch and it was so good! And the best part ever was when the sun began to set. It was so beautiful helbram took me to the small clearing on a hill that had a perfect view of the sky. We laid down in the soft grass and watched the sun set then stared up at the stars. Helbram sat up and began to stare at me I met his beautiful gold eyes and smiled. "This was the best day ever!" I said as I picked a small flower from the grass. I gave helbram a funny look and he just lifted a brow in confusion. I leaned forward and grabbed his shoulders. "Curse you and your tallness." I mumbled as I pulled him down. He let out a small laugh as his face turned a deep scarlet he didn't pull away tho, he just sat there. I grinned and began to place a bunch of flowers in his hair I felt a shiver run through him as I messed with his hair a few times but brushed it off as nothing. I continued to put flowers in his hair  until it looked like he had a crown on. I smirked leaned away and pulled out a small mirror. "Y/n what did you do with my hair?" I handed him the mirror. "Take a look!"  The look on his face was something I would never forget. Something about the look he gave me just caused me to burst out into a fit of laughter. I fell backwards into the grass as I laughed. "It...L-looks s-so pretty!"  I said as I laughed. "Yes, pretty as a princess." He said with a pouty look and a slight blush on his face. I began to laugh again. Helbram began to smile. "You will regret this." He said in a mocking voice as he placed his hands on his hips in mock anger. "Is that right?" I said with a grin on my face as I stood up. He stood up as well and stepped infront of me. he looked down at me then ruffled my hair. "Aww your so short!!" He said as if talking to a little kid. I puffed out my cheeks. "WHO YOU CALLING SHORT MISTER FLOWER PRINCE!" I said. He bent down so he was at my hight. "You." He said as he stood back up to,his full hight. He placed his hand on the side oh my face. I felt my face heat up and a shiver run through me at the simple contact. I stared into his liquid gold eyes as he placed his other hand under my chin. Another chill ran through me. He began to lean down until his face was just inches away from mine for a second he just stared at me then he closed the gap between us. His lips connected with mine and I quickly retuned the kiss. When he pulled away A light blush dusted his cheeks as well as mine. "Happy birthday." He whispered in my ear. I pulled him down by his shirt and his lips smashed into mine. I could tell that he just smirked. He pulled me closer until there was no space between us. This went on for what seemed like forever until the evil thing called air forced us apart. I swear I hate having to breath sometimes. "Wow I didn't expect that from you." He said a little out of breath. "Me either." I responded with a laugh. Helbram looked me in the eye and suddenly became very serious. "Hey y/n?" He asked. "Hm?" He scratched the back of his neck. "This is gonna sound cheesy but I want you." He averted his gaze and a blush spread across his face and I grinned. "Ok!" He grabbed my hand. "Shall we head back Now?" I nodded and we headed home.

OK that's all for this chapter. I honestly had a hard time writing this since I suck at this type of thing. But I tried so tell me what you thin of it. Btw down below is a link to a website that has a ton of info about Helbram.


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