All throughout class all I kept thinking about was what Cole's big surprise could possibly be. What is it? Is it clothes? Shoes? Jewellery? Is it a purse? Because lord knows I need a new Michael Kors bag!

I got so happy when I heard the bell because its finally time for me to find out what this big surprise is. I put all my stuff in my locker then walked into the cafeteria with the biggest grin on my face. As I am walking into the cafeteria I feel like all my excitement is about to blow.

I take a seat in between Nisha and Cole. 

"Wow Kenzie you look beautiful." Cole said. 

I blushed. "Thank you." 

I saw Cole's eye wander off below my chin. At first I thought he was looking at my boobs but then I realized he was looking at my necklace. I decided to take off the necklace I had on before and put on the one he gave me. I felt more special wearing the necklace he gave me. 

"You wore it." He said in awe.

"Yeah." I smiled.

I looked down at his shirt and noticed he was wearing a whistle around his neck. I usually call it a whistle necklace, I don't really know the name for those things. Its one of those things gym teachers usually wear around their necks when they don't want to hold a whistle in their hands.

The thing Cole does next leaves everyone including me in shock. He stood up on his chair and blew the whistle. It got everyone in the cafeteria to quiet down and look in his direction. I looked around the cafeteria and noticed some irritated, confused faces. Everyone was just waiting for him to speak. 

"I need everyone's attention for what I'm about to do." Cole said loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Well you got everybody's attention now so you mine as well start speaking." I heard someone in the table behind me say. 

He got off of his chair and kneeled down on one knee and looked directly into my eyes. Some people got out of their seats to see what he was going to do next. At this moment all eyes were on me and Cole. It kind of looked like he was about to ask me to marry him. He took my hand and said "Mackenzie Brianne Smith would you take the honors and be my girlfriend?" I felt like my heart stopped at that moment. Cole would really get everyone's attention to ask me to be his girlfriend? That is so romantic. 

I never really got why people cried when they were happy but now I understood. I felt so much joy in my heart that I had to let it all out. Tears were now falling down on my cheeks. But they weren't tears of sadness they were tears of joy.

I wiped the tears from my face and yelled "YES! YES! I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND." People erupted in cheers. A few people just stood there smiling. I heard a few whistles hear and there. I felt like the only girl in the world at that moment. I pulled Cole towards me and gave him a kiss. More applause came from the crowd that surrounded us. After I pulled away from the kiss I heard one of the security guards telling everyone to get back to their seats. Why do security guards always have to ruin everything?

After a few minutes everything went back to normal. "It was worth the wait wasn't it?" Nisha asked. I nodded. 

"Thank you Cole." 

"For what?" He asked. 

"For doing all of this for me. No one has ever made me feel so special." 

"Well a beautiful girl needs to feel special once in a while." He gave me a peck on the lips. "Want to hang out at my place after school?" 


Nisha and Gigi exchanged glances. "I'm guessing your big surprise isn't over yet." Gigi snickered.

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