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"I'm sorry!" I didn't want to admit it but I was I hate admitting I was in the wrong but I knew I had to if I wanted to keep my best friend.

"I just wanted you to be happy" I smiled at her this was it the moment of truth I looked over to her opposite me "I guess I was just jealous. I mean not of you and Conor of course not but because you had a relationship and I didn't."


"Things are going to get better Destiny they always do." I didn't believe that phrase but I tried to just for that moment. "I'm glad where ok now I missed you!" She leaned over for a hug I let her in wrapping my arms around her. "Thank you!" She smiled at me.

"I know I wouldn't have spoken to Jack again if it wasn't for you!" She laughed "Yh you would have your both desperately Inlove! That reminds me we need to get you ready for tonight!" I was so glad I finally had Molly back it was only know I realised just how much I missed her.

She looked down her phone making it clear she was scanning through a message "Oh Conor's stuck in traffic hes not to far from here!" I knew I had to make it up to him too "well tell him he can come here then!"

"Are you sure?" I laughed "Molly I'm not evil I'm just a bitch yes I need to apologies to him too and I need a free ride for tonight" She laughed. "I knew there was something else to it. Defiantly not evil just a bitch!"

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