Chapter 1:karlhienz

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**********KARL POV**********
The little girl fell asleep on my shoulder but that didn't bother me, but I was curious why a Kuran was out in the snow, and she said she ran away right? But why? Then I noticed some bruises on her arms and legs,I wonder did her family do that, how can they, she is just a young adorable looking girl. I took her with me to the hotel I was staying in and tucked her into bed, I was about. To Leave but I heard her whimper,"looks like she is having a nightmare " I pulled a chair, sat in it and stroked her hair till she quieted down, but somewhere in that process I fell asleep next to her.
**************EZRA POV************
I was in a dark room, I was chained to the wall,a woman with dark brown hair like mine and reddish brown eyes that seemed to glow in the dark, she was holding a knife and stabbed me in the arms and legs all the while screaming "your a monster","I wish you were not been born","no one loves you and no one will" and other things like that ,but I don't even care ,it was always like that she comes in my room start beating me and screaming at me ,She only stops when I pass out of blood loss, that now I don't even feel it . And sometimes my other family comes and watch with amusement in their eyes. But I am still a monster like her a monster that kills and lives in the darkness of this world, a monster in human skin a vampire that turns human to monster like them I always hated that. I wish I was a human
Dream End
I woke up in a room that wasn't mine beside the bed was the man that helped eyes grew wider as I remembered who this man is. He began to wake up" s-sir ........why.......did you help me" it was hard to talk but I managed " will I couldn't leave a cute girl like you out in that snow can I" "oh.. thank you then" wait did he just call me cute, my face turns red and I felt like I was on fire . Suddenly he turned serious "OK now dear tell me why did you run away from"
"first that place was never my home, and I ran away because everyone hates me there, they see me as a monster, mother and father beat me every day and only big brother loved me, he even promised that when we grow I will be his wife, but...*sobs* but he lied and broke his promise, he is going to marry sis .so I decided to leave and did, and after running for a while my legs gave out then I met you sir" he was shocked but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes "w-well would you like to be my daughter " now it was my turn to be shocked "really...sir are you for real you would take me " I was so happy"yes dear so what do you say" I had a bad feeling but chose to ignore it and said yes"ok so now on your name is Ezra Sakamaki "

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