"Mom!!!" Madhu screamed as she ran towards Trishna's mother who was busy cooking with RK sitting on the counter and eating the hot-hot paratas she passed on to him. "Oh Satan and her side kick is here." RK declared grinning, of course Trishna being Satan and Madhu her side kick. Madhu pokes her tongue out to him while Trishna ignored him as she tried to pull Madhu away from there. RK thinking Madhu was there to talk about Trishna's latest embarrassing story, easily pulls Madhu towards him and stand between Trishna and her while Madhu goes all dreamy eyed when he touched her. "Tell me" RK says excitedly "What did she do? Did she break any of Mom's antiques?" he asks excitedly. "DID SHE???" Radha asked glaring at Trishna. "No, she didn't." Madhu immediately says. "Oh!" RK says disappointed, he was hoping that she broke those antiques as he loved to see her in trouble and also he hated those antiques. "Then what did she do?" "I didn't do anything. She has gone crazy." Trishna says. "She was always crazy after all she is your friend." RK teases. Madhu hits him angrily on his chest and turns to Radha "I found the perfect guy for Trishna. SULTAN!!!" Madhu declares excitedly. Radha looks at Madhu in shock while Trishna screams "NO! I don't like him." "She is lying. She told me a while back that she wouldn't mind being married to Sultan and even Sultan has no issues I asked him." Madhu says jumping up and down excitedly. "But she is just a kid." RK says outraged. "KID????" All three women turn to him in shock. "What? She is!" RK says. "She is 23yrs old." Radha said. "If she shouldn't get married now, when should she? When she is 32?" Madhu asks gaping at him. "She is 23?" RK asks shocked. "Of course! I am! How old did you think I am?" Trishna asks shocked. "I don't know. I never thought of your age." RK says a little amazed. "23!!!" he repeats shocked.  "You have lost it, Rishabh Kundra!" Madhu declared. "I didn't know she is 23." RK says amazed, shaking his head he walks out while Trishna and Madhu watch him with a weird expression on their face while Radha smiles understanding RK's shock "However old you become, for him you will always be his little sister." Radha said fondly while Trishna shrugs and Madhu smiles thinking of RK. "And what were you talking about Sultan, Madhu?" Radha asks Madhu. Madhu excitedly talks about getting Trishna and Sultan married and when Radha realized that Trishna was not against the proposal she promised Madhu that when her husband returns in the evening she would definitely talk to him about it.

Malik talked to Sultan about Trishna and when he said that he didn't have any issues against Trishna, it was decided that, that Sunday they would go to Kundra house and talk about it further. Within two weeks Trishna and Sultan's wedding were fixed. Madhu was ecstatic because Trishna was going to be her sister-in-law and also now RK and she can get married.

Trishna and Sultan engagement was a grand ceremony held at Kundra house. RK and Madhu had been busy taking care of the function while Trishna and Sultan had done their part by calling each other up all the time and going on dates, shocking everyone in their sudden change in attitude towards each other. On more than one occasion Madhu and RK teased them about being secretly in love with each other while both denied it out rightly saying that both had never seen each other in that light till Madhu put the idea into their head, and once that picture had set in, it was impossible for either to change it.  After the function, Malik-s were about to leave when Malik had asked to talk to Mohan and his wife for a few minutes in private. While Trishna and Sultan romanced with each other, Madhu stood with RK blushing knowing full well what their parents were talking about and RK who was oblivious to what is going on watched on confused. "Any idea what they are talking about?" RK asked Madhu as he poked his elbow into her ribs slightly. "No." Madhu replies not knowing how to tell him that her father was talking about her marriage to him. "WOW there is still things in this world that Miss James Bond doesn't know... huh?" RK asks her as he puts his hand on her shoulder and pulls her closer as she giggles and says "I am not Miss James Bond." "Yeah right! You know where I am going even before I know. And how you used to always sneak into my room with Trishna and go through my things." RK smiles as he remembered how mischievous Trishna and Madhu had been. "You used to scream at us for that." "But that didn't stop you from doing it again, did it?" RK asks. "No, because you would always forgive us for doing it." "What to do? I have a kind heart." RK says dramatically. Madhu laughs hearing that, suddenly RK's cell rings and he takes his hands off her and take his cell out and the caller ID was flashing 'Priya'. Madhu immediately frowns seeing the name. Who the hell was this Priya to call my RK? Madhu immediately snatches the phone from him and picks it up "Hello?" while RK stood there watching her in shock. "Hello, who is this?" a slutty voice from the other end asked. "Who is this?" Madhu asked her again. "This is RK's number, right?"  "Yeah this is. Who are you?" Madhu asked irately. "I am Priya. Who are you?" "I am Madhubala Rishabh Kundra. RK's wife." Madhu said. RK hearing that rolls his eyes with a big smile on his face. "WIFE?? RK IS MARRIED?" "Of course, to me!" Madhu replied "Now, what is it that you want to do with my husband?" without saying anything Priya slammed down the phone angrily. "Well, good riddance to her!" Madhu says as she gives back RK's cell to him. "What was that?" RK asks her faking anger. "You are welcome, Kundra!" Madhu replied as she put her hands around his shoulder and pulled him closer. RK chuckles "She is after my life." "Awww don't worry. I am here, right? I would always protect you from other girls!" Madhu said. "And who would protect me from you?" RK asks her. "Why do you need protection from me?" Madhu asks offended. "Well you are Miss James Bond to start off with, then you are Satan's side kick and to top it all off you are my wife, girlfriend and fiance!" RK says remembering how Madhu had claimed to be one of these in more than one occasion when any girl called him up, but this was the first time she did it in his presences. Madhu blushes hearing that, whenever she was around at Kundra house and any girl called up her man, she did set them straight on who he belonged to, and the way RK always laughed it off had just encouraged her to do it more though she didn't think that she would have stopped doing it if he had screamed at her because screaming at her had never stopped her from ransacking his room with Trishna. "Your Papa is coming." RK informed her as he saw Malik coming towards them with his parents. They all were smiling which made him all the more curious to find out what they were talking about. Noticing their parents coming their way, Madhu shyly takes off her hand from RK's shoulder. "I guess we are going now. Sultan, come let's go." "You are going?" RK asks her disappointedly. "Yeah.. why?" Madhu asked. "I was thinking of taking you and Trishna out for dinner tonight." RK says. Madhu never wanted to leave Kundra house when RK was there, but today she had to go as she knew that Mom and Dad would be talking to RK about their marriage today if their smiles were any indication and if she stays here, then that talk would be postponed and she didn't want that to happen. "Stay here tonight." RK said with a cute smile. "No, RK. I have to go." Madhu said disappointedly. "We will just go for dinner. Trishna and I will drop you home after that." RK promised. Sultan and Trishna come towards them "What's happening here?" Sultan asked. "I was asking her to come with Trishna and me for dinner." RK informed. Sultan accusingly turns to Trishna "You didn't tell me that you were going for dinner. I would have come with you." "Even I didn't know." Trishna says. "Okay. Why don't you also join us?" RK suggested to Sultan. "Sure!" Sultan agreed immediately smiling at Trishna. "That settles it then?" RK asks Madhu. "Yes!" Madhu replies excitedly. Malik left after Sultan and Madhu informed him about their dinner plans. Rest of the evening all four spent time with each other though in reality Trishna and Sultan were in their own world, discussing about their marriage and life after that while RK and Madhu talked and pulled each other's leg. Even at dinner they continued to be like that, having the time of their life.

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