Chapter Four

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Azrael's P.O.V.
I was only allowed a few moments to grieve for my dear Petunia's death. We had moved her body and given her a burial fit for an angel.
It had been deeply moving for Michael to allow that since my daughter had attacked an innocent spirit.
Now me and all of the others sat at a huge u-shaped table in the Archangel Court. Michael sat at the head, Raphael to his right and Gabriel to his left. I sat closer to the end. In between Castiel, the Angel of Misery. And Uriel, the Angel of Warfare.
I stared ahead, not wanting to be here. I wanted to sit by Petunia's graveside and mourn her. Maybe she died a rebel, but she was still my little girl.
The doors of the court opened. Tobias walked in, dragging a reluctant spirit behind him. She looked winded too, but she was also staring in awe at everything.
My expression hardened when her gaze met mine. She looked away quickly, getting closer to Tobias instantly. He chuckled and gave her shoulders a reassuring squeeze.
Once she was in the middle of the circle, Tobias left her side and stood behind Michael's chair. Since he was a Seraphim and he had escorted the girl here, he was allowed to stay unless he tried causing a ruckus.
Unlike most of the Seraphim, Tobias was definitely one of the more mature and laidback among the choir. It was no wonder why Michael had Rosaline and the girl sent there.
"Miss Amber Levine," Michael started, snapping the girl out of her reverie. "You are being called to court to discuss earlier events. We would like to hear what you have to say up until the point you and Tobias left Seraph City."
"Does this mean I'm in trouble?" Amber asked quietly.
I noticed she was shaking. Her voice had even been quaking when she had spoken. The poor girl was terrified. I shook my head, she was the reason my little Petunia was dead.
"No, it does not mean you're in trouble." Michael answered smiling. "Perhaps you would like a chair to sit in? You don't look too well."
Amber shook her head. She did look sick. She was sweating and looked like she was about to vomit.
"I'm fine, Mich-sir." Amber sputtered.
"Well, if you change your mind at any point, then just let me know." Michael said gently.
Michael always had a way with words. And with understanding how people were acting and reacting to different things.
"Well, I died." Amber started.
I heard snickers errupting around the court. I remained silent. This was a normal statment I had heard many times over the course of my life. I was uninterested by this. I just wanted to leave.
"And when I was in Purgatory. The first thing I saw was the Angel of Death. I tried to ask a couple of questions and he didn't say anything. I thought he was irritated with me. So when I saw the nephilim show up, I figured I would go help him. I didn't realize what he was. I thought the nephilim was another spirit that had died. When I was out of the Angel of Death's sight, the nephilim attacked me." Amber explained. "And then The Angel of Death came and saved me from dying a second time. And when Gabriel brought me to Paradise, he left me with Rosaline so I could get fitted for the proper clothing for court. But we were attacked by another nephilim named Petunia. Rosaline killed Petunia to protect me and she cried even after the crowd of angels dispersed. Then Raphael brought us to Seraph City to the condo that Tobias lives in. Rosaline went to sleep and when we were summoned to court I felt it."
I perked up at the last sentence. That was unusual for a human. Was it possible that this human was actually a nephilim? That maybe The Creator was going to turn her into an angel. The former was probably the case. From what she has said, she didn't do anything that would point to becoming an angel. But her perspective on human nature would help us find more nephilim and demons.
"What did the summons feel like?" Raphael demanded.
Leave it to Raphael to make sure she isn't dysfunctional. Then again, he was a healer. It was normal for him to ask about things that could be wrong with her.
"Kind of like my bones were vibrating. It felt like I was being pulled to the caller." Amber explained.
Murmuring and whispering started spreading through the court.
Is she nephilim? Is she an angel? Who are her parents? How is she alive if she's nephilim? Things and questions like that.
I stayed quiet. I knew Michael would hush them up soon anyways. I watched her fidget under the gaze of all of the archangels. She didn't like this attention and I could tell.
"Silence!" Michael's voice rang out. "Amber needs to be placed under supervision. There is a possibility that she may be an angel or a nephilim. If either is the case, then she needs someone to stay with."
"Let her stay with the seraph!" Someone roared.
"Let me rephrase my statement."Michael said. "She needs to be supervised by an archangel."
I felt Castiel nudge my side. I remained still, she was not going to stay with me. Uriel stood up, knocking his chair backwards in the process.
"I'll watch her!" He exclaimed.
Amber looked over at him and backed away slowly.
"I would rather stay with the other human spirits here if that's alright." Amber commented.
"I'm sorry, but if you're an angel or nephilim, you need to stay with an archangel." Michael apologized. "Is there anyone else who wants to take care of Amber?"
"C'mon on Michael!" Uriel insisted. "She'll be perfectly okay with me. Watch this!"
Uriel jumped from behind the table and lunged for Amber. She shrieked and dodged, Uriel almost got her. Amber sprinted away before he could get up and jump again. She squeezed in between me and Castiel. She was shaking, and she had herself pressed against my legs.
Castiel looked down at her. He smiled softly and outstretched his hand.
"Hi Amber," he said softly. "Uriel won't come near us to get you. He's not ignorant."
"Just get out from under the table." I grumbled.
Amber nodded and crawled forward. She stood up but remained close to me and Castiel.
"Alright, it's settled then. Azrael and Castiel can watch Amber." Michael stated.
I looked up at Michael, glaring. I heard Amber slowly shuffle closer to Castiel. Uriel groaned in disappointment. I stood up and walked out of the court. If I was supposed to watch her, I would spend the least amount of time possible with her.

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