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Nightmares had never been a stranger to Roy. In fact, they had become a daily occurence ever since the war.

Roy knew it wasn't just him who suffered from the night terrors. He could see it in the grief stricken eyes adorned with dark circles belonging to Hawkeye, Armstrong, Hughes, and many other members of the military. Over the years they had all learned to bear the burden and try to quiet the screaming voices in their head.

However, that night was particularly terrible. Following the conclusion of the battle against Father and the Homonculi, Roy had buried himself in his work to restore Ishval and learn of its people.

He was indebted to the work, for letting him take a step forward, and give something back for once. However, once again becoming involved in the affairs of Ishval gave his inner demons a chance to come roaring back to life--bringing back old memories that had long since been hidden away.

On that night, in a large tent resting on Ishvalen soil, a multitude of nightmares kept a peaceful sleep far from the colonel.

Everyone in the encampment had long since gone to bed when the cries of terror began.

Riza awoke with a start, just seconds after hearing the pained sound. Within moments she had her rifle in hand, flinging open the flap of fabric dividing her side of the tent from the colonel's.

When no assassin immediately appeared before her, she looked around wildly for the cause of the distressed sound.

Roy hollered another plea for help, writhing on his cot.

"I'm so sorry, please... no! I'm sorry!" He shouted, still in a deep sleep.

Riza made another quick scan of the room, and when seeing no threat, uncocked her gun and placed in on the wooden table beside her.

She observed Roy warily, worried that his cries would wake the other residents of their camp. He was clearly experiencing a night terror, something she was all too familiar with herself. Their past deeds certainly had a way of coming back to haunt them at any peaceful moment.

The lieutenant had spent many fitfull night reliving her lowest moments and watching her greatest fears come to fruition. She was sure being at the home of all the terror did not help dull Roy's memories.

She approached him carefully, not wanting to frighten him.

"Colonel, wake up," she spoke, not daring to bring her voice above a whisper.

Roy cried out again, his face pinched together in terror.

Riza shook him gently, trying to snap him out of the trance.

"Colonel you are dreaming, wake up," she said, slightly louder now. "Colonel, you have to wake up, it's not real!"

Riza could hear stirring from a nearby tent.

"Colonel... Colonel!" The lieutenant wracked her brain in desperation. "Roy!" She finally hissed in a whisper.

The man's eyes flashed open at the sound of his name. Riza sighed in relief, looking around warily.

"Hawkeye," he breathed, looking around. "What's happening?"

Riza ran a hand through her messy hair worriedly. "You had a nightmare. You wouldn't stop screaming."

Roy winced, and squeezed his eyes shut tightly, remembering the events of the dream. "Right. I'm sorry Lieutenant," he said, his voice sounding pained.

She could see his hands shaking ever so slightly as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

Riza shifted her weight to her other foot, unsure of what to do, before slowly turning back to her side of the tent.

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