Cooking X like X a Pro

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By the time I set everything on their required plates and made extra for me Tora Rin , Gon and his friends the time was up for preparing and then it was time for judging, So far everyone has failed for they were all the same and it looked like nun of them ever even cooked a pig before for they were either burnt on the outside and not cooked on the inside or completely scorched and unedibled. I was one of the last ones to be judged and though i was confident on my cooking skills I never cooked pig that had that tough of a skin and I didn't have time to taste it so I don't know how it tasted. 

I placed my food down on the table in front of them and their eyes looked like they were about pop out of their heads they were surprised. Buhara was drooling and Menchi though trying to hide it and  hint of excitement in her eyes.With one bite of her veggie stuffed pork roll wrapped in bacon and her eyes lit up like a kid on chrismas morning and then she moved on to the float and then to wash it all down the red white and blue drink. She was ecstatic with all plates and started to wave the 0 around frantically like her life depended on it. See as I passed I just went  in a secluded corn of the property and had Tora and Rin come out so they could eat. When they did  they were overjoyed to see their selects and started to devour it as we watched the rest of the examinees try to impress Menchi, but all still failing for some reason. I mean the hardest part for me was figuring out what to cook and how to cook it in time.

By the time everyone has gone there was a uproar of unhappy men. Till one tried to attack Menchi and then I got over there and simplily block his hit and growl at him and he backs off." Please don't interfere Cherrie" Menchi says calmly but I could tell that she was anything but calm from this. Then I come up with any idea, "hey Menchi can you hear me I have any idea to get them to listen" "I'm listening " Okay so here is the plan" I tell her the plan and then we went into action.

" Ley me clarify we freqently adventure into habitates that is inhabited my dangerous beast to find only the finest of ingredients for our dishs , every hunter has to know kind of martial arts " she begins to spin her knifes (pretend they have a small hole at the end of the handle) "you lack focus or the will to experiment with new things" as she starts finish her talk I release my arrows one for every one of her knives till I had everyone of them pinned to the wall behind the other examinees "this disqualifies you all from becoming a hunter" Everyone looks down with shame in their eyes. 

"with that being said, it would be excessive to disqualify all of you...." this old guy started and then I didn't pay attention because i had to start giving the food out before it gets cold and clean up the dishs so I put my headphones in and turned on my panic (any panic of the disco fans?) playlist  and start to clean up.Till I was interrupted by Rin picking me up and carrying me somewhere. 'hey let me down!' I sign quickly.

"No everyone else is leaving to go retake the second phase and you were about to be left behind" Rin says rather calmly. Jeez why is everyone's defualt mode calm.

'okay so xan i know where we are going then' I asked

"mount split in half" he says 

"okay Rin let me go I have to go talk to Menchi to see if she has some 'woman stuff'" I say and he immedently lets me go. I start running to find Menchi, when i finally find her i pull her aside.

"please tell me that we aren't going to mount split in half to do what I think we are doing?" I asked/pleaded with her.

"yes we are but don't worry  about it" she says as she walks off.( Not going to do the airship scenes backwards like someone I know)

"now everyone look down there" Menchi says at mount split in half.

"wh what is that?"

"a spider eagle web" Menchi replies

"they biuld webs down there?"

"Look below the web the eggs those or spider eagle eggs they are put in great ravines to protect them from predators this makes their eggs some of the most difficult of ingredients to obtain also known as dream eggs" Menchi states (I know it wasn't really Menchi but I don't care I make the roles HAHA get it ;p) 

" Cherrie care to demonstrate?" Menchi asked and I simply nod and jump off the cliff and hang on to the the weband wait and wait till finally the wind kicks in and I let go grab an egg and drop till the wind carries me back up to the ledge and I just land with one foot and then bow. "now it's your turn if youhave the guts?" 

Then half of the examinee's jump and grab onto the web while the other half backs away which means the are *clap clap* cutt off (wink), but about the half that jumped off I joined then I landed right next to Gonhanging on with my feet like a bat,

Then half of the examinee's jump and grab onto the web while the other half backs away which means the are *clap clap* cutt off (wink), but about the half that jumped off I joined then I landed right next to Gonhanging on with my feet like a bat,

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"hey Gon how it's hanging" I asked with a smirk ( I am really considering of not making her as shy around them just having her sign what do you yall think?)

"omg cherrie that was terrible" Gon says laughing then all of the sudden he yells "NOW" and all of us drop and grabbed a egg and came back up.

"that was egghilarating" I say

"yes I agree that was eggcelent" Gon says which slowly makes me start to to smile. " NO No that was not on purpose that doesn't count!!" he says in a rush

"YOU DID A PUN!!!! THAT WAS PUNDERFUL!!!" I say as I hug him. "okay now lets boil our eggs and then eat these eggstraodinary eggs" I say returning to normal.Turn around to start cooking my two eggs for me Tora and Rin.

~~~~~~after eating the eggsquisite eggs  (okay i think that is all the egg puns)

We are just getting done with our eggs, when the chairmen told all the remaining examinees to get back on the blimp and so we eggbliged (okay I had one more) and followed him into the front of the air blimpy  thingy abob as he went on and on and on about I don't real know what since I was on Rin's back(human form) with my headphones in listening to FOB, till the little bean talks. "We will be arriving at phase three at eight a.m. you are free to explore or anything you like. We are servicing dinner in the dining hall.You are released" The bean finishes Tora comes back with the news of the lay out of the airship.

"there is a gym area , kitchen and a library that i think you would be interested in" she says out of breath. When I heard library"that is where I am going!!" I yelled and  I jumped up and ran towards it.


Hey my little pigdroppings (what is that nickname from?) welcome back to not in this life time? but i would like to know do you like the heroin better when she is shy or when she is outgoing because I have a p lot for either way you like the heroin I have a way of making her, And who would you like her to fall in ove with it can be anyone of the main boys even Rin (looking at you Kirasms) or even Tora or a charactor that comes in later in the book it is your choose. The next two chapters will be the  third phase one of my favorites after after the cooking phases so they will be long. This chpter shoout out is to the book Z E R O [Kurapaka Kura] It is by    I am rereading it again and it was the reason this chapter isn't up sooner. On that note if you have any HXH books you suggest leave them in the comments or message me and I will read it I love when people give me book suggestion so feel free to, BYEEEEE 


Word count:1774


not in this lifetime? (hunter x hunter x oc) (DISCONTINUED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora