(Sick buddies, amirite?)

"We can ask Chanyeol hyung," Sehun's hoarse voice responded as he snuggled closer to Junmyeon. "He is a nurse and he's only next door."

"I don't think Yixing would appreciate us taking advantage of his husband's services," the older chuckled.

"Eh. It was worth a shot."

All of a sudden, Sehun turned his head to land a quick, yet meaningful kiss on his unsuspecting boyfriend's precious lips, before he returned to his previous position. As a small smile graced his face, Sehun whispered, "Good night, Jun."

Silence. Before-



"Sehun, if I see you on the computer one more time, I will tape you to the bed," Junmyeon warned as he attempted to guide his boyfriend from the study back to their bedroom, for the third time today. The blond kept persuading the brunet to take a rest as he was ill, yet the younger wouldn't give up. However, this would be the last time. Once Junmyeon realized that his previous efforts to pull him out of the study proved to be unbeneficial, he resorted to wrapping his arms snuggly around the younger's middle before he dragged said male down the thin halls of their apartment.

"But, Jun," Sehun protested hoarsely in his lover's hold. For a shorter man, he sure was strong, stronger than him. Not that he's going to admit that his love's strength us one of his favorite attributes about him. No siree. "Dr. Byun needs my report as soon as possible."

"I'm not hearing any of it," the older declared as they finally entered the room. Immediately, Junmyeon gently pushed Sehun onto their unmade bed. He then proceeded to stack blankets upon blankets, which somehow ended up on the floor, on top of his beloved. "You have a cold. Take a rest will you?"

It wasn't long before a sea of blankets rested on top of the brunet. Underneath the layers of fabric, Sehun attempted to protest once again. "But-"

"Sehun," Junmyeon sighed exasperatedly. He paused for a second as he walked over to the bedside table in order to grab their only thermometer. With a smooth voice, he said, "Love, I'm sure Dr. Byun would understand if you don't turn in your amazing research concerning rocks by Friday." Once he finished his thoughts, the older pressed the cold surface of the thermometer against Sehun's temple and waited.

Just as the brunet opened his mouth to say that he's fine, no need to check his temperature again, the thermometer dinged.

"39 degrees," Junmyeon tsked before setting the instrument down on the bedside table. "You're staying in bed, mister."

Finally admitting defeat, Sehun sunk into their mattress and let his beloved fuss over him. However, in the deepest depths of his mind, he knew that he would be lying if he thought that he didn't enjoy this treatment. Not that he'll state it out loud.


"Why didn't you call me?" Junmyeon asked the minute he walked through the front door. His forehead glistened with sweat as he stripped the multiple layers from his body. One by one, coats and sweaters were piled on the floor nearest to the door. From his frantic behavior, it's evident that he rushed over here from his previous destination after hearing the news from his neighbor.

"I didn't think it was serious," Sehun responded with a scratchy voice as he watched his boyfriend from his position curled up on the couch. The former was bundled up with two rather large blankets and wore Junmyeon's oversized hoodie as he watched subtitled episodes of Haikyuu!! on the television. To be honest, Sehun looked absolutely adorable; if not for the fact that he had a small, grey bucket settled right next to his hip with a bright blue box of tissues cradled in his arms. Not to mention his sickly pale skin and his red nose. Overall, anything but, "not serious."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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