Part 15: Yemen

Começar do início

"It looks like those light projections might line up with the land masses," Sully points out and I touch the globe and spin it until the lights hit the correct spots on it.

The globe raises up and something spirals down from the ceiling and stops on the second floor of the room. "Let's check it out," I shrug, and we jog up a flight of stairs and across the path into the the tube-like structure.

The six of us run up the spiral staircase and into an ancient crypt. "All right, we're looking for a knight's tomb, just like the one we found in France," Nate says and I nod.

"He should be buried with the other half of the amulet."

"[Name]'s right." Nate nods and the room we're in lowers.

"Then let's find a tomb," Harry says, and we walk to the back of the crypt and find the knight's tomb.

"Is that it?" Chloe asks, and I nod.

"It's just like the one we found in France," I tell her while opening the lid of the crypt to reveal a dead body and the other half of the amulet, "Here it is."

I grab the amulet, turning to Nate, "Nate, your journal."

He hands it to me and I flip open his book and place the amulet piece by the one I drew. "And with the inscription complete..." Cutter trails off with a grin.

"We know exactly where to go in Yemen," Nate says, and I nod.

"I will hold onto that," Cutter takes the artifact out of my hand and tucks it in his jacket pocket.

"All right, lets get the let out of here," Harry says, and we turn and start to walk back through the crypt.

"Keep looking. They have to be here somewhere," we hear Talbot say, causing me to groan.

"They must've followed us," I mutter, and Chloe nods.

"Well, we better hope there's another way outta here," she sighs and we walk towards another part of the crypt when a draft hits.

"There's a draft over here," I say while starting to push on the stone wall.

Cutter helps me and we push the wall forward until it crumbles and crushes an agent outside. "Ah... thank you very much, I'll take that," Charlie says, and takes the gun from the hand of the dead agent.

We run outside where the sun is just starting to rise, and we stop at the edge of a canyon in the ground where Talbot and a few agents stand on the other side. We pull out our guns and aim it at the agents and Talbot- the men also having their weapons trained on us.

"Drop your weapons," Talbot orders, and I smirk.

"Not happening, asshole," I tell him and he raises his eyebrows.

"Well, then. What a dilemma. We seem to be equally matched. Until the rest of my men show up, that is."

"We can wait," Sully says, and I chuckle.

"Or we can kill you now," I state when Cutter drops his arm with the gun and starts shaking his head.

"Oh no... guys-" Chloe says when Cutter turns and aims his gun at me.

A Thief's Journey (Uncharted 1-4 Vairous X F! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora