Day 1 - The Static

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January 27, 2012-------- 2:17 a.m. 

Hi, my name is Seth. Recently I had an encounter that changed my life, probably forever. This encounter started 30 minutes after a few friends and I had decided to look on the creepy-pasta forums for a few rituals or chants to do to see if they worked. Well, we did find one that we liked and was fairly simple. We had left our homes at 12:00 midnight and entered into the wooded area behind my house. My friends and i had left to different areas of the woods, most of us scared shitless that it might actually work, and  we all did different rituals/chants. Fortunately, none of them worked except mine. I know mine worked because my friends had all left their spots and gone home, bored of waiting.

 I heard a crack behind me and, thinking it was a friend trying to scare me, I turned around and punched at whatever was behind me. My eyes were closed and all I could hear was an ear drum piercing screech of anger. I open my eyes to only see pure white flesh. This site was almost human, except for the lack of nostrils, a mouth, ears, hair, or eyes. The skin looked as if it had been pulled against the skull. You could see the jaw open underneath the pale white skin as it screeched once more. I heard another breaking stick behind me. This time I grab for my bowie knife, which I carry with me on late nights, but I felt frozen in fear as I look at the other pale white creature except this one had eyes and a mouth and a nose.

 I felt cold rush down my back and started to drift away, but was kept awake by a friend calling my name. I grabbed my bowie knife and stabbed at the first creature. The blade connected and caused the thing to screech loudly and furiously convulse only to disappear, along with the other thing and my knife. I remember running out of the woods to see all of my friends running towards me trying to find the source of the screams. I blacked out. When I woke up i was at my friends and he was telling me what happened after i blacked out, which wasn't much. They had told me that my bowie knife had be flung from the woods and landed next to my face, they then carried me back to their house so that i could rest and that ended our night.

Since that day, which was about a week ago, I have had massive migraines that make me very violent and dreams of nonstop static  wake up to the sound of the static from old t.vs and I don't even have one. 

I really shouldn't be up so late... but, tonight, the static was just too much to handle.

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