Shannon POV

We'd been at the party for about an hour and I had lost Cammie. When Ally and Stevie showed up, we started talking to them and then Stevie pulled Cammie away. They were both drinking quite a bit, so Ally and I took it slow. We knew we'd have to take care of them later on. 

"Well well well, if it isn't my two favorite gays," Nathan said walking up to Ally and I. We were close with him last year, he was a great guy. He was a little intimidating at first, but once you got to know him he wasn't bad. 

We both fist bumped him. "How have you been?" I asked.

"Great. You're dating that blonde girl, right?" He asked and I nodded. "Oh, well she's been looking for you, I think she's in the living room," he told me. 

I mentally prepared myself for how drunk she would be when I found her, "thanks, man," I said, patting him on the shoulder and walking away. 

"Babyyyy," I heard as soon as I got in Cammie's view. Even though she was plastered, I still smiled because I liked hearing her call me baby. 

She was sitting on the couch, looking like she was about to fall asleep. I went and sat next to her, "what's the matter?" 

"I need you to take me to the bathroom," she said. I could smell the vodka on her breath. 

I stood her up and pushed through the crowd of people to find a bathroom. To my surprise, no one was in there. I let go of Cammie, expecting her to use the bathroom on her own, but she pulled me in with her and locked the door behind us. "Cam, wha-"

"Shhh," she cut me off and kissed me. At first it was just an innocent kiss but the longer our lips were attached, the more I felt her get needy. She slipped her tongue into my mouth and we quickly started making out. 

The bathroom wasn't exactly the sexiest place, but she was hard to resist. I sat her up on the counter and continued kissing her. She drunkenly fondled my torso until she found the hem of my shirt, at which point she attempted to take it off. That's where I had to stop her. "Babe, no," I laughed, "we're not having sex while you're this drunk, and especially not in here." 

She frowned and disappointedly slouched her body. I held onto her so she wouldn't slide off the counter. "Can we go home and have sex then," she suddenly perked up when she got the idea. 

I laughed and shook my head, "baby, you're too drunk."

"Hmmm," she thought, "how about you get really drunk too and then we'll both be drunk!" 

I chuckled again, "or we could go home and go to bed, and then tomorrow," I leaned in so I was whispering in her ear, "we can have sex all day." 

She nodded her head vigorously and I laughed. I started to open the bathroom door so we could leave, but she stopped me. "Wait," she said, pulling my arm. I looked at her and she looked a little sad almost. "Why didn't you hold my hand earlier?" 

I tilted my head to the side, "what?" I didn't know what she meant. 

"You didn't hold my hand when we walked in. I thought maybe you didn't want anyone to know about us," she was looking down at her hands now. She looked genuinely upset and I felt so bad. 

I picked her head up so she was looking at me, "I'm sorry, Cam. I didn't even realize. Of course I want people to know about us," I half smiled to try and cheer her up. "You're so perfect, babe. Who wouldn't want to show you off?"

She smiled and even blushed a little bit, which made me feel a little better. I helped her down off the counter and opened the bathroom door. We walked out and I immediately grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers as we headed for the door. She looked at our hands and then looked up and me smiling. That smile could melt my heart any given day, I swear.

I took Cammie home and sat her on the couch. I knew that if she laid down right when we got back, she would get dizzy and probably get sick. Instead, I got her some water and we sat on the couch watching TV. It was 2 am and I was honestly pretty tired, but I just stayed up cuddling Cammie. Eventually she dozed off and I started to fall asleep, too, so I carried her into my room. She hardly stirred awake, only enough to cuddle back into my side when I climbed in bed next to her. 

I woke up really late the next morning, but I didn't mind. Cam woke up about the same time as me. "How are you feeling princess?" I said, a little sarcastically. 

"I feel okay, I guess," she said, sounding surprised. I was surprised, too, honestly. She drank a lot last night. After a minute or two she kissed my cheek and got up, going into her bathroom. I decided to do the same. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, but just hopped back into bed after. 

Cammie came back into my room with just my t-shirt on. She hopped on my side of the bed and straddled my waist. I smirked at her, already liking where this was going. "If I'm remembering correctly, we have plans all day today," she said, referencing our talk in the bathroom last night. 

"Oh, yes we do," I said, pulling her down to kiss me. She gave into the kiss quickly and I flipped her over. She let out a squeal and giggled before kissing me again. I kept my promise, and we barely left that bed all day. 

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