A shoulder to cry on

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TRIGGER WARNING: homophobic slur mentioned

Bryce's POV.

So Mikey and I have been best friends for five years now and we are in our senior year of high school. Three months ago Mikey started dating a girl, Olivia. I hated her she clearly didn't like Mikey like that. All she had wanted was to become popular. It tears me apart because I love Mikey, as a friend and more...
The point is that I can see how she is using her.

Today Mikey and I were supposed to go watch a movie by ourselves, but of course, Olivia has to tag along. She doesn't even like sci-fi movies.

When Olivia started at our school she was flirting with me too. But after I made it clear that I didn't like her, she started hating me and flirting even more with Mikey.

I was supposed to pick them up in ten minutes and I hadn't even dressed yet. But there was no need to stress because soon enough I got a call from Mikey.
(M-Mikey. B-Bryce)

M- Hey *sniffs sadly*
B- Hey, how are you?

I try to be gentle but the concern for him was too hard to control.

M- Well I was wondering if we could skip the movie today?

I can hear how broken he is, just from the few words he said.

B- Yes of course. But what happened why have you been crying?
M- Well Olivia broke up with me.

I felt so bad for him because he is hurting, but I had enjoyed seeing her with Mikey for so long.

B- Tell you what, I'll come over and we can chill and talk at your house?
M- That would be great, thank you, Bryce.

I can now, thankfully, hear a small change in his voice.  He sounds calmer and slightly happier.

B- I'll be there in ten-fifteen minutes, okay?
M- Great see you then!
B- Bye.
M- Bye.

As I got dressed, all I can think about is, what do I do now? Do I make a move on Mikey or should I just be there for him and let him heal. I want to give him time but I also want us to be more before some girl takes him.

I get in the car and drive for 10 min and then get out and simply walk inside. They know me super well so I can basically just walk in.

I see Mikey's mom in the living room. I wave at her and say,
"Hey, Mrs Barone."

She smiles at me then says,
"Hey, Bryce. Are you going to put a smile on his face?" I nod.

She gives me a knowing look then asks,
"Don't you think it's time to tell him?"

I have always had a feeling she knew I liked Mikey but now I became certain.

"Tell him what?" even though I know the answer.

"How you feel. And make him smile, would you? He's crying over someone who doesn't deserve it."

I knew that she had never really liked Oliva but damn.

I nod and walk up the stairs to Mikey's room.

I gently know on the door, hearing no response I walk in.

I see him sitting on his bed. He wasn't waling but the tears that rolled down his face were heartbreaking.


He looks up at me and I see it all. His bloodshot eyes, messy hair and red face.  He stretched out his arms for me to hug him. So I went over to him and hugged him. I didn't say anything else, neither did he. We stayed like that until I asked him,

"Do you want to talk about it?"

He pulled back from the hug slowly and nodded.

"She called me and said that I was a loser and she deserved someone better. She also called me a fag, she said that I only dated her to cover up the fact that I have a crush on you." He slowly looked up at me.

"Mikey you deserve so much better. I think we both know why she was dating you, she just wanted to be popular. And she should be ashamed of herself for saying that to you. You are amazing." I didn't mention the part of his "crush".

"But its true I am a loser and a fag."

I stared at him because how could such a perfect boy think he is anything less than perfect. And also did he just come out to me.

"No you are great and being gay is not anything bad." I smile at him.

"Bryce please, you are the best and I hope we can still be friends after this even though I will understand if you don't want to." He looked down as if he was scared to death.

"Mikey whatever it is I will always be here for you. Please tell me." At this point, I have no idea what he is going to tell me.

"Bryce I like you....as more than a friend." he wasn't looking at me only at his hands.

" You are right we can't only be friends after this." He finally looked up at me he looked so sad.

"I'm so-" I didn't let him finish his sentence.

"Because I like you too. And I would like to be more than friends."

After I said that Mikey looked shocked, so I did what I had wanted to do forever, I kissed him. And it got even better he kissed back.


Sorry for that ending, I didn't know how to continue really. Hope you liked it anyway, if you did then please vote.


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