Chapter 1

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* 1/4/2017 * Sunday ; 10:07 p.m
#Writer's P.O.V
" Rhys , what's the last thing do you remember?" His eyes were looking around in the empty white room, a man was wearing a white coat which reached to the knees.

He knew that this man asked him about a really hard thing to do.
" have I ever been in an accident?" The doctor's wild eyes stared at Rhys sadly.

He didn't know how to explain to him what happened.

" You were sinking, we found you about to die, but thank god you were alive, your mom is sitting outside,do you want me to call her?" He tried to escape from Rhys's questions.

" Yeah." As the doctor left the room, he stood up to look through the window, it was a dark city, no lights can be showed.

"Baby, why are you standing? You should stay in bed for few days too" his mom " Laura " looked at his terrified soul, frozen feelings..

He was standing over her with a weak body.

" few days too? How long have I ever been here?" He was surprised.
The doctor's sayings, and his mom's weirdness.

" You've been here since December, today is Sunday, you've been sleeping all these four months." She caught his hand, tried to act simple and regular but he felt something brought him here, like a reason..

The fact he can't remember a thing drove him crazy.
And the fact that his mom knows it all drove him crazy even more.

"Mom, Have I ever been Sinking? Is that true?" He kept the pain inside, to cure itself.

" Rhys, You're not ready to hear the story, you're so lame, look at yourself, you've got only 63 pounds
Your voice is numb , your muscles are gone .. I didn't realize how strong you were to struggle a cold water for a while, I promise to tell you but not now." Her words healed a small part from his pain, he took a deep breath
"I'll talk to the doctor, Maybe he can let you come out tomorrow" she said and put her fingers on his shoulder to run over it.

" I love you son." She kissed his brow , and went outside.
Something inside was telling him, there are some ideas about what happened to him hidden on his mind.. He knows everything but he can't remember , he saw his mom walking by to open the door.

" honey, we can go now, but you have to be so careful , your health is above your whole specials okay?" She got close to give him his clothes , he nodded and changed what he was wearing.

" mom, do I have friends?" As they sat on the car, he asked.
" You have." She replied.

" you're a man now, I don't have to worry I know you can pass every suffer and every problem we will get in, I just don't want you to be like your dad, I don't want you to have no defence." She seemed angry to Rhys , he found her conversation complicated , so he decided to be quiet and to think of every word she said, they arrived home, but it wasn't a fabulous big one..

It was an apartment, for two.
He couldn't resist to not say anything about what he was watching.
" Since when do we live in an apartment? Mom please find me a sentence, an answer, to shut my thoughts up.. I'm confused." She unlocked the door, and they got in.

" can you stop!? Sleep for now, tomorrow I will wake you up to start your day at your high school." She was putting dishes in front of his eyes , there was no variety of food missing.

His mother's clothes are flawless and also the T-shirt and the pants she gave him at the hospital were unique, so why do they live in an apartment?

He couldn't ask to avoid annoying her, but another question came to his mind, where is his dad?
He felt that he barely knows the answer, but can't get it.

" Look Rhys I'm sorry.. I'll tell you everything but not now." She apologized.

" it's okay." He said, and ignored how much the pain destroyed his health which she recommainded him about.
Hey , I Just felt proud about what you gave me guys, you are nice people and I'm happy I had the chance to share you my novel
Support me please and tell your friends and relatives to check my novel cause wattpad blocked me from messaging must of people asking for a support.
Thank you. I love you all

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