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MORE TIPS for you :">


*Be yourself! Don't change yourself for a crush, because if things don't work out, you'll be left with nothing but a fake poser in the mirror. You are good enough to not have to alter who you are, which is much more important than becoming something you're not. If a guy knows you as the person you pretend to be he will be confused (maybe even angry) if you act like a differently when your together.

*There are always zones. Here are ways to tell them:

When he touches you from shoulder to elbow, that is the friend zone. When he touches you from elbow to wrist, that's the transforming zone. When he touches you from wrist to finger tips, he likes you.

* Don't let your crush influence you to be a different person.

* The zones are sometimes true. For example, if he picks up a pencil or paper you dropped, and he touches your hand when he is giving it back to you, it may be a little more. If you catch him staring at you a lot, congratulations! You got his attention, and it may be a budding romance.

* Girls- Wear your cutest clothes that make you feel beautiful! Show off your curves and femininity in what you wear. Try not to dress to overly-reveal though-- There's nothing sexy about letting it all hang out for the world to see. After you're friends, the guy will know you! If you're not a girly girl don't be! Some guys like stronger/sporty girls better than girly girls! But don't overdo it! Don't force yourself to do what the other girls are doing! If he's a true guy, he will like you the way you are! Just give him hugs if you like him but don't be sad. You'll have more crushes and maybe they'll end up liking you.

*If you make a fool out of yourself In front of your crush, don't be embarrassed! Sometimes, it's a turn on. Head up high, stand straigth and act like you did nothing stupid.

* Make sure that your crush sees you. Sometimes you don't get to talk to him/her but if you try to walk past them a lot, maybe they will notice you.

* Don't get all happy when he helps you pick up a bag or something like that. Keep calm and be grateful.

* Guys- Be clean! Girls love it if a guy has good hair, so be sure to condition and shampoo thoroughly. And please, wear deodorant and some nice cologne!! Hate to break it to you, but your "inner-man-stink" isn't a turn-on. Wear what compliments you! (Get another girl's opinion. This will help.) Choose that blue shirt that matches your eyes or those cute jeans.

* If he doesn't want to be your friend anymore, just act cool and don't overreact. Don't show him that your affected.

* In the end, it's all about you. Don't be crushed if you don't win your crush's heart. After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea.


More tips coming :)


HOW TO GET YOUR CRUSH TIPS #101Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ