Chapter 2♥️

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"No this is not happening."


You wanted to run out of there as fast as you cold, just forget about every thing and everyone. But you knew that wasn't possible because, Life, and life's a bitch.

Why did you have to run into him again?

Your thoughts were interrupted when he reached out to get your book.

"OH NO, you better not be thinking about throwing it farther!"

You groaned inside your mind just thinking about that. It would take up way more energy to get up and get it, and you hated wasting your energy because,


"Here you go, your so clumsy," he said with a smile handing you your book.

Your eyes widened,"Did he just SMILE at YOU?"

"I-I uhh, thanks?" you muttered, confused, 'Why was he being nice to you all of a sudden?'

He started leaning in,


"Your lucky they're watching." he said stiffly, quickly letting go of your book, letting it fall in your hands.

You looked behind you seeing the others walking over. You quickly grabbed your books and looked up at him. You new you were going to regret your next action.

"Thank you," you said bluntly with a fake smile plastered on your face.

You quickly walked away before the others came over to say "hi" to Saeyoung. Why did this have to happen to you?


The rest of the day was just.....


I mean what a more perfect word to describe school right?

You belly flopped on your bed.

"UGHHH why does life suuuuuuck," you groaned, already thinking of the weekend homework you had to do. "Oh well, it'd be a shame if i forgot to do it," you sat up and opened up your Laptop. "Let's see, what to do today." You opened up a page and logged in.


Username: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☆


Logging In....

-707 Has joined the chat room-

-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☆ Has joined the chat room-



(have fun decoding lol)




Where ya been?


Good thing ya here i thought u were avoiding me ;(

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