I: Towards Mirkwood

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Yara's POV

I stare at myself in the mirror. I look like a mess. My hair is fluffy, and nightmare scars are around my eyes.

A definite mess.

Sighing, I start brushing out my hair. Arwen is supposed to pull it back for me, but I do not know if she is awake yet. For now, I shall just braid it. I set my brush down, sighing. I wish this day were different, I wish I would be staying here in Rivendell.

I wish for something else.

I hear my door open, so I turn, and see Arwen. She smiles at me, her eyes kind.

"Good morning, sister," she greets. I offer a small, fake smile in return,"good morning." She walks over to me, taking my hands. I sigh, looking down.

"What is the matter?" Arwen asks, her face worried.

"Nothing," I lie. She raises an eyebrow,"it was the dream, was it not?" I nod, sighing again. She knows me too well.

Arwen gives me a small hug, then sits me at my vanity. She starts doing my hair, pulling it away from my face. While she does my hair, I trace my finger across the scar on my neck. It is terrible. Finally, Arwen finishes doing my hair.

Staring back at me in the mirror is an Elleth I have not recognized for a long while.

I hate it.


Before I leave, I have to go say goodbye to Amos and Eleden. I kneel by their graves, my head bowed. Both died in the Battle of the Five Armies.

"I-I am leaving," I choke out. "I am leaving you both. And I promised I would not." I start crying, my eyes squeezed shut.

I can hear someone walking up behind me, and I turn around, to see my father.

"Ada..." I whisper. He sighs, and kneels by me. I look away, not wanting to cry anymore. I have cried enough today.

"Celebsanga," he starts. I squeeze my eyes shut,"Ada. You know not to call me that. The name died when Naneth left."

"I apologize. Yara, I know you are upset about this betrothal," he explains.

"Upset?" I ask. "I am more than upset, Ada. I fear it has worsened my problem." He hugs me, which is surprising. I melt into his hug, letting my tears flow out.

A few minutes passed, until I finally pull away. I then stand, and start to walk away, but not before I take one last glance at the graves of my siblings.


I get on my horse, the wind blowing into my face. Altáriël is next to me on her own horse.

"I only go with you to our border," she explains. "After that, it shall be just you and Lord Elrond." I sigh,"I wish you were able to come with me to Mirkwood. It would make the distance seem smaller."

Altáriël sighs, then reaches over, and hands me something. I look at it, realizing it is a crystal on a string, a necklace. I look back at her.

"It is said that it will help cleanse your soul," Altáriël explains. "I have one, as well." She shows me the necklace she always wears, and I give her a fake smile. Altáriël knows it is fake, and I can tell by her face.

She sighs, and then spurs her horse forward. I realize my father has his horse trotting, so I catch up, as well. As we ride, I take one last look at Rivendell.

One last look at my home.

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