This Nigga Aint Shit....But I Miss His Ain't Shit Ass

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Mama Ry,

How do you go about missing a person that shouldn't be missed? Like this person put you through hell and hot water...I need a real in depth answer.

-Baby Love

Baby Love,

What a great question to start off with, and an area that I am all too familiar with. I'm sure you remember the phase of my life where I seemed to be stuck on stupid to many, but there were a few that realized it's not that easy to just let go.

I'm sure there was hell, but for it to continue for however long it did there had to be good times as well. It's okay to think about it and him. It's your life and it happened good or bad, you can't forget it, neither should you try. That doesn't mean it's okay to harp on these moments either.

It always seems the more we don't want to think about things the more they come to the forefront of our brain. The next time you think about this mister, embrace the warm and fuzzy and say, 'that was a nice moment', and truly realize it was a moment. Also do things that will actively get your mind off of him:

Go out with your girls
Go to the movies by yourself
Go out to eat by yourself
Get outside (even if it's cold) and just take a walk
Start a workout regimen (getting sexy always gets your mind right

These things get you used to spending time with yourself, and being okay with yourself. So I'm writing you a prescription:

Go buy yourself, your favorite scented bath bomb, clean your entire house (because your space is a reflection of your mind), and then take a nice long soak. Pour yourself a glass of wine (if you're over 21), and repeat: I am enough. Repeat it until you believe it, and keep repeating it, because you are enough whether you're single or in a relationship.

I hope this helps you,

Mama Ry


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