A New Visitor

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It took her a moment to register her surroundings. But when she did, she yelled, "James!"

"Elizabeth!" He ran and pulled her into his arms.

She pushed him away. "James Sirius Potter! You are a DEAD MAN!" She yelled before kissing him.

"I love you too, Liz." He said, pulling her close.

"Lizzy!" All the future girls hugged her.

"Whoa! Lily?" Elizabeth  asked, looking from Lily to Ginny. Then she looked at Harry. "What the?"

"We're sort of 21 years into the past." James said, his arms around her again.

"What! How in the World did you manage to do that?" She asked.

"I think it was a time turner. It broke, and it sent us all here. I was sort of snooping through dad's office."

"Why?" She looked at him as if he was mad. "Your dad is so open, you guys don't have secrets you tell him everything." She blushed and added, "Unfortunately."

Everyone looked as though they were trying not to laugh, and Ginny and Harry looked horrified.

"I was super bored and dad has been acting strangely"!

"And you didn't even tell me you thought something was wrong?" A flash of hurt crossed her face and her cheeks turned red.

"No, I didn't find it that important."

"Obviously you did if you were going through your dad's stuff and just grabbed something. Do you EVER pay attention in class?" She asked. "You know what a time turner looks like, your Aunt came in and explained them!"

"Whoa, a mini Ginny mixed with a mini Hermione. Scary." Fred said.

Freddy and Roxy grinned. "Quite scary, we'd say, our dear uncle. Quite scary."

"SHUT UP!" Elizabeth and James yelled.

"LIZ!" James yelled.

"What!" She screamed.

"Please calm down! Love please!" He pleaded.

She looked at him, her eyes changing. "Don't ever do that to me again, please?" She begged, tears filling her eyes.

Everyone was watching them, eyes wide. The future generation was surprised; Elizabeth never cried.

He pulled her into another hug. "I thought you might be-, oh God, James, I don't know what I was afraid had happened to you."

"I love you." She said.

"I love you, too."

She wiped her eyes, angrily and turned to the crowd that was watching them.

"Close your mouth, Albus, and give me a hug." She said. He hugged. "Scorpius, get over here." He smiled and hugged her.

"What about me?" Teddy asked.

She giggled and ran to hug him. When she stepped away, she gasped.

"Oh my Gosh!" She said.

"Liz, meet my parents." Elizabeth waved, then something clicked.

"No way! You're Moony!" She gasped. He smiled, and Sirius came in. "And Padfoot!"

"Do I have a fan."

"Are you serious!" She gasped.

"I'm always Sirius, but yes, I am Padfoot." She rolled her eyes at his joke.

"No way!"

"She says that a lot, doesn't she?" Tonks asked.

She flushed. "So, this is the first generation of Marauders! Do you realize how much we could learn from these two?" She asked turning to James.

"That's what we tried to say!" The twins said.

"And both the creators of WWW? Hello! I hope you were taking notes!" She said.

James smirked. "Sorry, love, you know I don't do any type of writing unless you make me."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh shut up."

"Well, tell us all about your generation of Marauders."

"Do you guys have names?"

" Prongs. Since I'm James ." He grinned.

"Wheezy." Freddy grinned.

"Why?" Sirius asked.

"It's what Dobby called Ron. He thought it was funny, so he choose it." James rolled his eyes.

" Luna. You know, since my name is Lily Luna, and it's like the girl version of Moony."

"Shadow." Roxy said.

"Why?" Sirius asked.

"Come with us." They whispered. They went into the attic. First Liz changed into a delicate, wide-eyed orange cat. Then Roxy turned into a very small sized black panther , James a stag, Lily and owl, and Freddy a weasel.

"Whoa, nice. How'd you manage that?"

They changed back. "Dad taught us. And we taught Liz." James said.

"Can any of the other kids?"

"Teddy can turn into a wolf, Vicky a fox, Molly a Siamese cat, Luce a snake, Al is a badger, Rose is a white fox, Scor's working on being a tiger, Dom is a gazelle, and Louis is a leopard.

That is amazing." Sirius said. "Harry taught all of you?" They nodded.

"Way to go Harry!" He yelled. Harry came running up.

"What did I do?" He asked.

"Taught these kids to be animagus."

"I do?"

The kids nod. "You are one too."

"What am I?"

"A lion." James grinned.

"What about us?" Ginny pointed to herself, Ron and Hermione.

"Mum, you're a lioness. Aunt Hermione, you are a puma, Uncle Ron you are a bear."

"Awesome!" Ron said.

"Terrifying really." Scorpius muttered.

Ron smirked. Rose gave him an 'I am so sorry.' look.

"Dinner!" Mrs. Weasley called, and Mrs. Black began to yell.

"Oh man."

And with that, they ran downstairs.
Yayyyy another chappie done, I'm not sure if I'll have one tomorrow cause I have a lot to do but I'll try!!(pic of Liz on side)


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