'Thanks for getting on this so quickly Eddie, I know you are doing the best you can with what you have to work with. I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem buddy; besides I am glad your girlfriend is here supporting you."

"Oh sorry for my rude behavior, this is Lily my date, Lily this is an old friend of mine from college, Detective..."

Before I could finish the introduction, I was cut off, "Eddie is just fine, no need for all that detective stuff. Anyways let me get back to the case and see about bringing your friends home safely."

"I would appreciate that, thanks again. I think Lily and I will head back to my place since there is nothing I can do here, but call me if you hear anything and I mean anything."

We shook hands, Eddie nodded his head and Lily and I jumped back in the car to head back to my place. Neither one of us spoke for the entire drive; I was happy for the silence, it gave me a chance to pray and ask God for strength and for Simone and Kate's safe return.

When we got back to my place Lily asked if I would rather be alone and I really didn't want to be so I told her no and that I would like for us to continue with our lunch, which was now turning into an early dinner.

She agreed and we went into the Kitchen to eat. I was grateful that she was there and at how supportive she was. I mean the little I knew of her from our previous dates gave me the feeling that she was a nice person. But after today I know she is one remarkable woman.

I tried hard to be polite and present with her while we ate and spoke but my thoughts kept on drifting to Simone, her smile, her hair, her beautiful eyes that always seemed to sparkle when she was happy. I couldn't bear the thought of never hearing her voice again or seeing her face.

I had to be positive, I couldn't let negative thoughts creep into my mind, that was the devil talking and I served someone more powerful than he would ever be.

I excused myself from the table for a moment, headed to my bedroom and sat on the edge of my bed. Remembering Psalm 121:1 & 2

I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.

I cried unto the Lord in that moment and he heard me because an instant peace fell over me and I was certain that everything was going to work out well. "Thank you Lord; for always being by my side whenever I need you."

I stayed there for a few moments allowing the presence of the Holy Spirit to comfort me and asking for it to comfort Simone wherever she was. I sighed and then got up and returned to Lily.

When I got back to the kitchen I heard my cell phone ring and I walked over to it, when I glanced at the ID I saw Eric, I had forgotten to let him know what was going on, but everything happened so quickly he was the last person on my mind.

I knew I would have to tell him what was going on sooner or later might as well be now. I then answered the call.


It was like watching a scene from a movie, one thing led to another then another and I wanted to stop it but I was frozen in the position where I stood.

I watched the big guy I now knew as Nick rough up Patrick on the floor and kick him a few more times. Kate had had enough of his cruelty and went forward quickly to stop him but he saw her coming and back hand slapped her across the face, causing her to fall back.

I gasped, "Kate!" I screamed and finally was able to move my legs towards her which felt like they were being weighted down by cement blocks, her lip was bleeding.

He stood staring down at us with a sick smile on his face, "I told you to mind your manners with me, next time you come at me like that I will do some serious damage."

He then walked out the room and I heard the door lock behind him. He had not bothered locking the cage door again. Kate then sat up "I'm alright Simone" she then crawled away from me and towards Patrick.

When I lifted my eyes towards the area where Patrick lay all I saw was blood, and lots of it. At that very moment I had no idea if he was alive or dead and I couldn't bring myself to go any closer.

I did the only thing that I could have done in that situation; I prayed, harder than I have ever prayed in my life. I prayed first for Patrick to be alive and that we would all make it out of this place safely. I prayed that I would get to see my mother and loved ones again and I prayed to see Chris' face. I always felt close and connected to him, I figured at first that it was because he was so close to God and I needed to be again.

But now, as I was kneeling on the cold damp floor with nowhere to go and all of our lives hanging in the balance I knew it was because I loved him. I wanted to see him again even if it was for a moment to tell him how I felt and how thankful I was to him for being such a wonderful friend for so many years.

I heard Kate call out Patrick's name and then he groaned, which meant he was still alive and I praised God for that. I felt something wash over me and I knew that we would be alright, I felt it deep down and it was a joy and comfort to feel so confident.

I arose and went over to Kate and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Kate, everything will be alright, trust me."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "I trust you Simone, for some reason I believe it will be too."

We tried desperately to stop the bleeding and make Patrick as comfortable as possible, it's not like we had access to the necessary equipment needed to do this but we tried anyways.

Kate was trying to be as gentle as possible so she wouldn't shift him too much, he was in a lot of pain, and he had been shot in his shoulder. At first we had thought he had been shot in the chest but we were thankful that it was his shoulder.

He was still losing so much blood and he was getting weaker the longer we were trapped down here. All we could do now was sit, pray and wait and hope that Nick didn't come back anytime soon. I had had enough of him to last a lifetime.

As I sat there, my thoughts drifted, I thought about all the people in my life. Those who had been there for me, who supported me, those whom I loved, worked with, ate with. I then thought of Eric and I wished I had spoken to him sooner.

Being in this situation made me realize even more how short life was and that people made mistakes. I looked over at Kate who still had Patrick's head in her lap and was gently stroking it and I thought that if she could forgive the guy who had help to kidnap her and be so attentive to him, then why can't I forgive the person, I had loved all these years and shared so many good moments with.

I knew how much Eric loved me and I knew how much I loved him, he had been a part of my life for quite some time now and I knew all his little quirks and vise versa. As I thought about it some more, I had made up my mind that when God saw me through this nightmare, I was going to forgive Eric.

It didn't change my feelings about Chris but I didn't know how he would take it when I told him how I felt, but I was no longer going to hold back anything from those I cared about the most. Life was too precious to waste it thinking about regret, but I needed to let him know even if it was to clear my head so I could move forward with my relationship with Eric.

I just needed to make sure which way my heart was leading me, most importantly which way God was leading me. Please God guide my path and help me to make the right choices.


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