"Grab a cup, make it however you like it and start drinking." Mrs. V instructs as she pours coffee into 5 disposable coffee containers. "All of you look like death."

"Thanks, Mom." Julia said sarcastically as she grabbed a full cup, wrapping both hands around it.

"You're welcome, dear." Mrs. V replied with an equal amount of sarcasm.

No one spoke as we fixed our coffee, adding different amounts of cream and sugar.

"I have some cheap flip-flops in the living room area in a white bag. Get your belongings, your coffee and some flip flops and get downstairs. I'll be outside waiting in the car." Mrs. V said as she gathered her purse and left the suite.

We all heard the door close but no one moved a muscle; I'm sure from lack of willpower.

My hands begin to sweat as I try and avoid eye contact with Julia. Em offers up a much appreciate distraction when she reaches into her purse and pulls out a bottle of Tylenol.

"Anyone?" she lifts the bottle up a little.

I reach my hand out and she met me halfway, shaking two capsules into my hand. I nod in thanks before I tilt my head back and throw the pills to the back of my throat, chasing them with a small sip of coffee.

"Ok. Let's go," Em says, tossing the pill bottle back into her purse.

Reluctantly, we all rose from our seats and left the suite, grabbing our flip flops on the way. Mrs. V was waiting just outside the hotel doors as she said in a black SUV and we all piled in.

The SUV pulled off with Janet, Mel and I in the very back while Em and Julia shared the second row with Mrs. V while the driver maneuvered the vehicle in the front silently and alone.

"Mom, where are Grace and Faith and everybody?" Julia asked when we stopped at a light.

"They left the hotel before us. Apparently, Mae got the early birds." Mrs. V chuckled.

There was no more conversation until we pulled up to the mansion and got out the truck.

"Everyone!" Mrs. V called, "Head straight to your chambers. Freshen up then come to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. We need to jet out as soon as possible."

We all start to move towards the house.

"Julia! You come to my room with me. Grace is using your room." Mrs. V interjected.

"Why can't I use it, too?" Julia frowned.

"You know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. In this case, it would be double bad luck. Can't have that."

"Mom, you know Grace and I don't believe in that stuff. " Julia glared at her mother in frustration.

Feeling out of place, I attempted to squeeze past Mrs. V and into the house but she grabs my arm and lightly pulls me back. I look at her in confusion but she silences me by notoriously putting her pointer finger in the air.

"Julia, just go ahead to the room. I'll be there in a moment."

Julia gladly takes her leave, shooting me an apologetic smile as she enters the house. How ironic.

"Did you need something, Mrs. V?" I ask after a moment.

"I just wanted to check on you, you know. See how you were doing. You were rather quiet this morning." Mrs. V answered, hooking our arms together as we started our trek towards the house's side door.

"We were all quiet this morning." I laughed lightly. "Hangovers tend to do that to you."

"Yes, but I sensed something was off at the hotel this morning. I could be wrong..."

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