God Must Have Spent

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**NYSYNC song mentioned later in the chapter in the media!**

God Must Have Spent

Laurel's POV

Tuesday Morning

12 Days Until The Wedding 

The alarm from my phone blasts at full volume and I get out of bed to turn it off. I'm dead to the world tired, but awake. Steph, on the other hand, looks to be dead to the world asleep with no immediate plans to wake up anytime soon.

I smile down at her and contemplate letting her sleep in but decide against it.

"Steph." I rub her back.

No answer.

"Steph." I shake her a little.

Still no answer.

"Stephanie Elizabeth!" I shout.

She doesn't answer but turns over to face me with a deep scowl on her face.

"You sound like my mother."

"It made you wake up, didn't it." I grin, getting out of the bed.

"I'm soooo tired," Steph complains, turning back over.

"I know you are." I laugh. "How does it feel now that the shoe's on the other foot?"

"I'll never make fun of you again." Steph mumbles, still laying in bed.

"I bet you won't." I chuckle. "But you still have to get up." I reach over and hit her butt since she's still face down on the bed.

"Fine." she pouts, rolling off the bed. "I would just like to say that I do faintly remember last night despite your pessimistic predictions."

"Faintly being the keyword." I smile, pulling some tights out the dresser drawer.

"Faintly is enough." Steph frowns as she trudges into the bathroom for a shower.

It takes Steph three times as long to get ready today but she only puts on some dark skinny jeans, a UPenn alumni T-shirt, and some black converses.

"Ready?" I ask as she comes out the bathroom from putting perfume on.

"Yep." she says, grabbing her sunglasses off the dresser.

I laugh to myself at her dramatics and we start for the dining room.

When we walk into the room, I immediately sense something is up. The room isn't as chatty as it usually is and there's this aura of tension I'm sure I can cut with a knife. Steph and I take our seats and wait for the kitchen staff to come with breakfast.

I look at Julia as I get situated in my seat and I can tell who's causing all this tension.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"Nothing, why?" she replies.

"You seem awfully quiet, that's all."

"Nothing's wrong. I guess I'm just feeling quiet today."

"Since when do you ever feel quiet?"

"Since today." Julia snaps impatiently.

"We'll talk later," I tell her. "Away from everyone else."

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