"Marinette?" She heard from behind her.

Marinette whipped around to see Cat Noir.

"Cat Noir? W-What are you doing here?" Marinette quickly wiped her tears.

Cat Noir hopped down and looked at her.

"Why are you crying?" He asked.

"Crying? I-I'm not crying!" Marinette said.

Cat Noir rolled his eyes.

"Okay, okay. I am. But it doesn't matter. A guy I liked acted like he cared for me... As more than a friend... But today I found out he's dating this horrible, selfish brat of a girl. I never thought he would ever be so naive." Marinette sniffed.

Cat Noir felt his heart skip a beat.

She's talking about me and Chloe! Wait... Marinette likes me?!

"Woah... That's uh... Deep. I'm going through something too. This girl is blackmailing me and using me. Whenever I try to make my own decisions she uses her power against me. This is keeping me from doing anything that I want." He said.

"R-Really?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah... It sucks..." Quickly changing the subject, "so, Ladybug and I were talking about you today!" He said.

"You were? W-Why?" Marinette asked, obviously knowing why.

"You reminded me a bit of her..." He said.

"Oh! Er-Cool." Marinette sighed.

Cat Noir took Marinette hand and pulled her in close.

"Huh?! What are you-"

"Hold tight. We're going somewhere." He said.

"O-Oka-AHHHHH!" Marinette screamed as he extended his pole high into the air.

She clung onto him tightly.

Cat Noir chuckled and they went to the Eiffel Tower.

They sat up top, looking down on the beautiful Paris lights.

"Wow... They're so pretty." Marinette said.

"They are. B-But not as pretty as you!" He stuttered.

Marinette chuckled.

"Thanks." She tickled his chin.

A purr escaped his mouth.

Marinette widened her eyes.

Cat Noir blushed.

"That's new." He explained.

Marinette laughed.

Cat Noir smiled.

"But... It's true." He said.

Marinette blushed and looked out onto Paris.

"Y'know Cat... I thought you were... Honestly... A flirt. But... Seeing you now... You're so much more." She said.

Cat Noir smiled a bit.

Suddenly Cat Noir's Miraculous beeped.

"Marinette, I have to take you home. I have four minutes until my Miraculous runs out." He said.

"Oh... Alright." Marinette said.


When they arrived at Marinette's house. Cat Noir got ready to leave.

"Goodnight, Marinette. If I could give you any advice on that guy... Is that, well, maybe there was more to the situation. Maybe he really doesn't want to be dating that girl. He could be like in my situation, where he's being forced." He said.

Marinette looked at him.

"O-Okay. And Cat?"

"Yeah?" Cat Noir turned back.

"Th-Thank you." She said, kissing him on the cheek.

Cat Noir smiled and grabbed her hands, pulling her in for a real kiss.

He then quickly pulled away.

His eyes widened larger than an owls.

He grabbed his pole and ran off.

Marinette stared after him blankly.

Tikki flew over.


"I kissed a cat and I... Liked it."

I KISSED A GIRL AND I LIKE IIIIIT! OOH YEAH SONG REFRENCE. LOL. Okay, welp comment how you thought of this! This part of the story is coming to an end... But just wait, it ain't ending there... :3 ~Mew

P.S. Vote and comment plez! <3 And just remember that if you ever need someone to talk to you, hit up my messages! Let's just say I'm like a therapist. I love helping people... Bit like a superhero, huh? ;3

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