Part 31(Kenzie's POV)

Start from the beginning

          To my relief, Peter had made a webbed net for himself between the wall of my house and the large tree right next to it. He stood up on his makeshift hammock and looked up at me, and I could almost see the smile through his mask. Spider-Man laughed. "In hindsight, I probably should have warned you I was coming."

          I closed my eyes, feeling like an idiot. "That probably would have been a good idea. Are you okay P--" I stopped myself. "Spider-Man?"

          "Yep. Just, um, a little startled for a second there. Pretty sure the tree got the worst of it." He gestured to the large oak tree just ahead of me, where a bright pink softball bat was sticking out of the trunk, splintering the branches surrounding it. I grimaced, uttering an apology under my breath.

          I looked back down at Peter, only to find that he was gone. I heard a stretching noise above me, and I looked up to find Spider-Man's face an inch away from mine, parallel but upside down. Up close, my boyfriend's voice sounded a little bit morphed through the mask, but it was, without a doubt, his. "Come here. There's something I want to show you."

          My heart fluttered as he came down closer to the window. After a confused second, he said, "Actually, could you open the bottom window? I don't want to try and lift you through a broken window with shards of glass sticking out of it."

          Mentally thanking Peter for his desire not to impale me with glass, I climbed down and clambered through the bottom window, climbing right into the arms of my favorite hero.

          I took a guess at the time, estimating it to be about five o'clock in the morning. Because the sun hadn't risen yet, the Spider-Man suit was the brightest spot of color against the dull, dimly lit surroundings. I tightened my arms around his neck as he swung us up onto the roof, the wind whipping my unbrushed bed head.

          I was gently set down on a flat part of the roof. I was joined by Peter a moment later, and as my eyes adjusted, my heart became a pounding drum and my jaw dropped.

           On the flat portion of roof, Peter had set out some fluffy blankets and pillows, bordered by lights. The pillows were leaning up against the wall of the chimney, facing east. Against the horizon, a faint light was rising, some pink and orange streaks of color barely beginning to be visible.

          Spider-Man and I were going to watch the sunrise.

          I looked over at him. Although the suit covered his face completely, I knew Peter well enough to know that he was smiling. That toothy, cheesy smile that I had come to know so well and love so much. He gestured for me to sit down, which I did, inviting him to join me. Because this was the only flat part on the roof, we had to sit pretty close together to make sure that neither of us fell off. Which I didn't mind.

          Peter, as Spider-Man, wrapped his arms around me, pulling a blanket up over my shoulders. I rested my head on the section of his shoulder that seemed to be made just for me. Something nagged at the back of my mind, though, as I thought about why he was here. Not only just here- but in uniform. Why would he feel the need to be Spider-Man instead of Peter Parker?

          I cleared my throat softly. "So, what's a superhero doing with a regular girl on a regular morning like this?"

          A second passed before the response. "A regular morning?"

          "Uh, I think so?"

          "I don't."

          I furrowed my eyebrows up at him. "What do you mean?"

The Girl and the Superhero{Peter Parker}Where stories live. Discover now