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Eleven p.o.v
It's been 3 months since Mike left. I find myself counting the days, like I did back when no one knew I was alive.
I don't ever see Mike, except in class. Other than that, it's like we are strangers going to the same school. I don't ever go to gatherings that Karen puts together. Dad doesn't bother asking me anymore. He just tells me when he will be leaving and coming back, whenever she make gatherings. Today is different, my dad is forcing me to go. I don't have say in it. I'm going whether I like it or not.
"El, Honey. I know you don't want to go, but this dinner is to celebrarte my engagement to with Joyce, I need you to be there. You're my daughter. I don't know what happen with Mike, but it must be pretty fucked up for you to avoid him. I'm not gonna ask what happen, but just know that I understand" Dad said wrapping his arms around me.
"Thank you, can we go to Joyce's house, I need her to make me look pretty" I said smiling lightly.
"You're already pretty, but if you're asking for her to do your hair, make up and all that stuff, than, yeah, let's go" he said grabbing his car keys and holding the door for me.
Joyce was so happy to know that I would be going to the gathering. She pinned my hair back, leaving some strands of hair fall, she applied some lipgloss and gave me a dress to wear.
"You look stunning!" Joyce said.
"Thank you, you look beautiful" I said looking at her.
"Thank you sweetie, let's get going before the boys start complaining" She said grabbing my hand.
"Wow, you guys look perfect!" Dad said smiling at us.
"Thank you darling" Joyce said.
"Let's go" Will said pulling my arm.
"You okay?" He whispered
"I couldn't avoid him forever" I whispered back.
"Well just a heads up, Mike invited her." Will said.
"No surprise there" I said as we got in the car.
"True true, but I have a feeling something is gonna happen" Will said something in his eyes told me he something planned and it wasn't good.
"Like what?" I asked confused.
"A change" Will stated.
"With Mike?" I asked.
"Yeah with Mike" Will said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because you will be there." Will said.
"So I'm gonna change him, bring him back to old Mike?" I asked.
"Mike is only Mike when you're with him." Will said.
"Well there is a new Mike now and there is no place for me" I said.
"Yeah well the real Mike is in there somewhere and the only person that could bring him back is you. He rarely hangs out with any of us anymore, if we don't do something soon, we will loose him" he said.
"We are here kids, be on your best behavior" Joyce said as Dad parked.
"Hello, welcome!" Karen said happily, and I smiled.
"Oh Jane, honey, I'm so happy to see you, come here" Karen said pulling me into a hug.
"It's so nice to see you, you look beautiful like always" Karen said.
"You couldn't look better" I said and she smiled.
"You are too kind" she said pulling me along with her inside the house, I briefly looked behind and saw Will smiling at me.
"Look who came you guys!" Karen said happily as she pushed me to the living room, everybody stopped talking and looked up at me.
"EL!" Nancy yelled excitedly getting up and running towards me.
"I missed you so muchhhhh" Nancy said embracing me into a hug
"I missed you too" I said hugging her back.
"Oh look Bella, is you friend from school" Elizabeth said.
"She is not my friend" She groaned annoyingly.
"Okay, So everybody knows that we are here to celebrate Joyce's and Hopper's engagement to one another" Karen spoke up as Nancy forced me to sit next to her, which was across from Mike.
"Will, Jonathan, Jane, any words?" Karen encouraged
"Well, I'm just glad my mom is happy again, so thank you Hopper" Jonathan said.
"There was a point that I had forgotten what my mom's smile looked like, but now I get to see that everyday, so thank you Hopper" Will said.
"Jane?" Karen said.
"Umm... well, I've never really had a family before. I'm happy to see dad happy again. Joyce is the most kind human being, and I'm so honored to soon be called her daughter. I get to have two brothers. But most importantly, I get to have a love that will never disappear. People that will never leave me and that will stand with me. The unconditional love I feel towards my dad, now extends to the new members of my family. But I want to thank you Dad, for helping me and never giving up on me, I've made memories with you, that I will keep forever, and I'm excited to make many more with you guys" I said as tears ran down my cheeks.
"Oh how wonderful!" Karen said as tears ran down her cheeks.
I looked around me to see everybody looking at me sympathetically except Isabella, who just look annoyed.
I smiled shyly and hugged Hopper.
"Thank you for saving me" I whispered loud enough for him to hear.
"No kiddo, thank you, for saving me. I love you" He said
"I love you too, so much" I said as more tears ran down my cheeks.
"Okay everyone, dinner will be served shortly. Kids you can go down to the basement, we don't want to bore you with grown up talk" Karen said and I could hear footsteps going downstairs to the basement
"Go downstairs kiddo, have some fun, enjoy yourself a little, Will is there don't worry" he whispered as I pulled away from him.
"Okay" I whispered.
I made my way downstairs cleaning my face in the process, dang, why is it, that once you start crying you can't stop?
"Hey, you okay El?" Will asked once he saw me.
"Yeah, I'm just a cry baby" I laughed lightly cleaning my face again.
"You make me want to cry" Will said.
"We can't have two of us crying, then I will definitely not be able to stop" I said smiling at him.
"I'll be back in a second" I said walking towards the back door.
"El, it's snowing" Will stated.
"And your point is?" I said holding on to the door handle.
"You need a jacket" Will stated in a duh tone.
"No I don't" I said opening the door.
"If you get sick is on you" Will said shrugging.
"You will get to say 'I told you so'" I said.
"Fair enough, go on now, we're gonna play, truth or dare soon" Will said
I stepped out to see the beautiful snow. I love it, because it looks so peaceful and pure. I looked into the distance, and imagine for a brief second what life would be without hate, and evil. It would be a true paradise. I looked down to my wrist and see the mark that will forever remind me the true evil of the world.
"Evil is everywhere" I whispered to myself holding onto the my wrist and looking at it. That's a part of my life that I can't change, the people I've killed to be free, to have choice, to know what Love is, and to know what hurt was as well. If I had a chance to spare the lives that I took away, I would. Because I'm not a monster, I'm not papa, I'm Eleven, a person that fights for equality and good. I'm not a weapon, I'm a human. I'm not a science lab experience, I'm a miracle.
"I'm good enough" I whispered to myself.
"I'm not a monster" I assured myself.
But I've killed? I've ruined families. Killed people they loved. So doesn't that make me one? Maybe I'm one and I refuse to accept it.
"El come inside now" Will said through the door.
"I'm coming" I said as a few tears ran down my face.
"You are not a monster!" I said sternly wiping my face and breathing in and out to stop myself from crying.
I came back inside, thankful for the warmth. I rubbed by hands together.
"Your nose is red" Will laughed.
"What is truth or dare?" I asked Will.
"So basically you spin a bottle, whoever it lands on, gets asked truth or dare. Truth meaning something they want to know or dare, as they want to challenge you to something" Will explain.
"Okay" I said.
"I'll start" Isabella interrupted as we sat down. Mike and her on one side of the table and Will and I on the other. She spun the bottle and it landed on Will.
"Truth or dare?" She asked.
"Truth" Will said.
"Do you like Jane?" She asked.
"Like attracted to her?" Will asked.
"Yeah" She said.
"No, she is gonna he my sister that would be weird" Will said.
"Your turn" she said handing the bottle to him. He spun the bottle and it landed on Isabella.
"Truth or dare?" Will asked.
"Truth" She said.
"Do you like Jane?" Will asked.
"No, I think she is annoying" She stated simply and I rolled my eyes.
She spun the bottle and it landed on me. She smirked evilly.
"Truth or dare?" She asked.
"Ummm... Truth?" I said hesitantly.
"Were you and Mike ever boyfriend and girlfriend?" She asked.
"No" I said.
"Good to know" she said handing me the bottle. I could feel Mike looking at me but I ignored. Will spun the bottle for me because I couldn't do it.
It landed on Mike and I froze
"Truth or dare?" I said.
"Truth" Mike said looking at me. My heart was beating fast, specially since we haven't talked in over 3 months, this is the first conversation we've had. His voice sounds different. More deep, maybe he is sick.
"Umm...." I said looking at Will for help.
"Just ask me whatever, you don't need Will's help for everything " Mike said in a tone, that I've never heard before. He was irritated or angry, but not at me.
"Okay... why did you stop hanging out with Lucas, Dustin, and Will?" I asked looking at him, for the first time in over 3 months.
"I don't know" he said looking away from me.
"That's not an answer" I said.
"I've been too busy" he said.
"Whatever" I said handing the bottle. He spun it and it landed on me.
"Truth or dare?" Mike asked.
"Dare" I said in a rush.
"Okay. I dare you to stop eating eggos for a week" he said.
"What!? Noooooo" I whine.
"Sorry" He said handing me the bottle, I pouted and spun the bottle and it landed on Will.
"Truth or dare?" I asked.
"Dare" he stated.
"I dare you to feed me eggos for an entire week" I said happily.
"Oh smart. Nice one El!" He said high-fiving me.
"Thank you" I said. He spun the bottle and it landed on Mike. He smirked evilly and that's when I knew, that something was gonna change.
"Truth or dare?" Will asked.
"Dare" Mike shrugged.
"I dare you to go outside on the snow with El and kiss her....on the lips for 5 seconds!" Will stated
"Wait what!?" I asked looking at Will in shocked.
"You can't do that!" Isabella said.
"Of course I can. He said dare and that's what I gave him" he said.
"Okay then I'll kiss him" she said.
"Nope. Jane" Will said.
"You idiot!" I whispered to Will angrily.
"Let's go people. We ain't got all night" Will said pulling me up and dragging me towards the door.
"Will" I whine.
"Let's go Mike, the sooner you're out the door the the faster this will be over with" Will said. Soon enough both Mike and I were on the snow.
"Okay I'll close the door, but I'll look out the window because it's cold" Will said.
"Look Eleven, if you don't want to do this, we don't have to" Mike said.
"Just Shut up and kiss me" I said angrily.
Mike placed his hands on my cheeks lifting my chin and placing his warm lips on mine, which made me feel butterflies on my stomach. Regardless of how much I denied that him leaving didn't hurt, I couldn't help but feel happy that he was with me again, even if it was for a little. I cogent lie and say that the kiss didn't make me feel anything, because it did. When Noah kissed me, I felt nothing, I tried to forget Mike, I actually tried to like Noah but I couldn't.
His warm fingers against my freezing cheeks made me feel better
"Okay, five seconds are up!" Isabella said opening the door and I quickly pulled away.
"I think I'm done playing" I whispered as I walked back inside.
"You are soo dead. I would sleep with one eye open if I were you" I said glaring at him.
"I told you something would change tonight" Will said.
"You didn't say that I was gonna kiss him! Are you kidding?" I whispered angrily.
"I think I helped him clear up all doubts that had him clouded for the last 3 months" Will said.
"No I don't think so. This is not okay Will! Seriously what is wrong with you?" I said snapping at him.
"Just calm down, okay. I'm sorry" Will said.
"Sorry it's not enough. Did you ever stop and think what I thought about your stupid plan? How I was gonna react!" I said angrily.
"No" he said guiltily.
"EXACTLY!" I yelled.
"Calm down El. Please" Will said.
"No I'm not gonna calm down!" I said as the lights flickered on and off.
"El" Will warned.
Mike and Isabella came back in.
"Mike" Will said as the lights continued to flicker on and off.
"El please calm down" Mike said softly.
"I-I need to be alone!" I said as I walked pass Will.
"El?" Will begged.
"Save it Will" I said angrily grabbing one of Mike's jackets and heading out the door. I walked, as I fast I could. Then I found myself running. I sat down next to the lake, where we once found Will 'dead'. I saw my reflection. My hair was longer.
"El?" I heard someone say not so far away from where I was.
"Just leave me alone" I whispered.
"You can't just run off like that and expect me not go after you" Mike said.
"3 months" I said.
"What?" He asked.
"Three months since I last saw you. The real you. The real Mike. And now I look at you and I can't find you! Are you even in there? Anywhere? Where did you go?" I said getting up and looking at him.
"I'm still me" He whispered.
"Yeah well, tell me where? Because the person that is standing right in front of me, Sure doesn't seem like him. Who are you? You left Dustin, Will and Lucas. Are you kidding me?!! Because if that is you, good to know" I said angrily.
"No, I mean, I've been busy. But it's not that I don't wanna hang out with them!" Mike said.
"Look at me Mike" I said sternly.
He looked at me with sadness in his eyes.
"Don't do that to yourself. Don't push them away. They were there before anyone. Before me, before her. They don't deserve that! You are being a piece of shit Mike! Treating them like crap! They didn't do anything to you and if it's her that making you push them away, then start thinking about what you're gonna loose. You're gonna loose friendships that you will not be able to get back.they are with much more then any relationship Mike! Listen and wake up before you'd do something you'll regret! Don't stop hanging out with them. Is it because of me? Because they hang out with me too? Is that why?" I asked
"No no it's not that" he said.
"I'll stop hanging out with them. Your friendship with them is much more important. They are your friends. I just tagged along. It's not fair, I don't want to be the reason why you don't hang out with them" I said.
"Would you stop talking for one second, geez" Mike said angrily.
"No I won't. I haven't talked to you in over three months, and then when we finally see each other, we kiss. I can't keep myself in control and I feel like I'm gonna explode" I said
"I'm sorry" he sighted.
"I'm sorry, for pushing you away from me" I said
"94 days. I've been waived 94 days to do this" He is as pulling towards him and hugging me tightly.
"I've missed you so much El. So much" Mike whispered kissing my forehead gently playing with my hair.
"I missed you too Mike" I said hugging him back.
Will was right, something was goons change.
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