Chapter 1 || Alone, Together

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Synopsis: As we know, Rory becomes pregnant at the end of AYITL. This story will eventually go the route of Rory raising her twins with Jess. But 16 years after her and Jess made the arrangement of not telling the twins that their real father is Logan, the twins find out and the drama unfolds.

Warning: This will be majorly centered around Jess & Rory and very little of everyone else, but I will be giving small storylines to all characters!

Authors Note: Thanks Kayla for being my editor and double checking my grammar! Please have patience. The story will have a lot of back story before I get to the main plot, but it will have many mini plots that I hope will peak your interests. Also I apologize, I am not as witty as Amy & Dan Palladino, so there isn't many jokes. Thanks for reading, and make sure to follow & leave reviews! 

Time Setting: This story starts in the Fall episode after Rory had ended things with Logan, but before she had made up with Lorelai.


Chapter 1 || Alone, Together 

Rory was driving to Philadelphia. She was going through her speech in her head on what she was going to say to him, and how to not sound demanding and awkward. She had been practicing the whole 3 hour drive. She finds one of those 24 hour parking services and pays the fee. She walks towards the building. 

Rory stops and stares at the sign to make sure she is going in the right place. The golden letters reflect back at her: "Truncheon.” She takes one more deep breath and walks in. The place isn't as packed as the first and last time she came. There is one person browsing the selection of novels while another sits reading. Her eyes move across the room trying to find the reason she came. A man walks up to her, "Hey how can I help you?" He looked familiar but unsure if she had met him before but realized even she had. That was over 10 years ago and he wouldn't have recognized her. She responds, "I'm looking for Jess, Jess Mariano". He seems to slightly rolls his eyes and huffs, "Of course you are, another autograph. Hold on". She calls out, "No wait!", but he had already disappeared behind a door next to the stairs. She turns and faces the entrance door debating to herself if this was a bad idea and if she should make an escape for it but his last statement puzzled her: what about an autograph? 

Jess was in the back room reviewing possible books to publish, the way he spent most days: trying to find a big hit for Trucheon that wasn't selling his creative soul to the devil by going against his standards. He knew many of the same vampire/werewolf ideas would maybe still peak the teens interested but it would never make it past his deck into production. He hears someone open the door and not even looking up he said,  "I can feel your eyes glaring from here Chris, what's up?" 

"You have another fan."

"I told you placing the photo in the back of my book was a bad idea.”

"It's only a bad idea if we don't capitalize from it. We should really blow up your photo and place it in front the store, create more traction,” chimes in Matthew from the desk next to Jess.

"I'm going to start charging per photo,” said Jess.

"Well, I'd like some commission from dragging your ass from the back to front, so maybe you should start charging per signature,” huffed Chris.

"Dragging your ass from the back to the front that is definitely what he said,” laughed Matt. "No, but seriously, you can't help it that you're hot." 

"I know you came out a couple of years ago Matt, but we made an agreement that you can't check us out,” said Chris.

"Nobody ever checks you out Chris,” snarked back Matt.

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