Chapter 2

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Her dragon cut through the air so fast that creatures below wouldn't notice his presence until he had passed by. As the burning village drew closer, the smell of smoke was carried to Akira's nose. Fear tugged at the pit of her stomach. She chose to ignore it.

Ree, lend me your eyes for a moment, as she thought it Akira closed her own. She concentrated for a moment, enhancing her mental connection with her dragon.

When she opened her eyes, color exploded across her vision. It spiraled out of control. When it cleared, Akira found her vision sharper than ever before.

She could see to either side of her dragon without having to turn her head. The colors of the forest below were brighter than they had ever been with her own vision. If it weren't for the view ahead Akira may have taken more time to admire the view, however, she already felt her energy dwindling. It took too much effort to look through her dragon's eyes, and thus she made sure to look only at what mattered.

Her dragon's vision showed her what lay ahead. Thatched roofs fed hungry flames. Horses galloped among them, carrying riders dressed in black. They were armed to the teeth, chasing after fleeing women and children.

Akira watched as a screaming woman was picked up and a child easily knocked to the side. A man with a pitchfork ran out of one of the few houses that was spared from the flames. He didn't make it more than a few feet before a spear ran through him.

Akira's throat closed.

Redemption wavered. We should turn back.

No! Akira pulled out of his vision. I'm fine. Her own eyesight returned to her, the colors of the trees seeming a lot duller than before. She was surprise to see that she could already make out the clearing of the village with her own vision.

Let's fly over and see if we can scare them off, she thought as she eyed the soldiers skeptically. She didn't want to admit it, but her courage was wavering as the village drew closer.

Here we go. Redemption began to descend.

As the village rushed toward them the wind tore at Akira. The smoke in the air made her eyes water and she itched to rub them. Yet, with one hand clutching the saddle and the other the sword, she had no choice but to endure it.

Redemption dipped suddenly, so close to the ground that his form cast a huge shadow below. He shot over the village in moments. Akira briefly felt the blistering heat of the flames and terrified screams filled her ears before they were gone.

Then, Redemption gracefully turned upward. He climbed before proceeding to turn.

Did they notice? Akira asked.

Oh yes.

Redemption turned and Akira caught sight of the village below. She saw men drawing horses to a stop, forgetting about the villagers as they pointed to the sky. Redemption hovered in the same spot for a moment.

They're not leaving, he noted.

Akira scowled. She watched as the soldiers held their terrified horses on a short reign. One strung an arrow to his bow. Who in their right mind goes up against a dragon? she couldn't help but wonder.

An arrow shot up towards them. It fell short.

Can I eat him? Redemption asked as he glared at the culprit.

Akira felt something tug at her gut. Why aren't they running?

Another arrow whizzed towards them. It fell short again.

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