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"If you build the guts to do something, anything, then you better save enough to face the consequences." ~ Criss Jami 

 Seth arrived home that day feeling elated. Seeing Grace was like breathing, only much more exhilarating. But the day had to end and they had to part ways, Seth would have to wait hours to see her again. For now, the memory of her was fresh in his mind and in trying to seem normal, that would have to be enough.

He lie in bed, waiting to be called for dinner. His homework was abandoned on his desk by reason of not being able to focus, not that he would know what to do anyway, he spent English admiring Grace and her attentiveness, as for the rest of his classes, he spent the hours not bothering to even listen, too upset that he was away from her. He knew his mom wouldn't be too happy he was slipping up in school but he almost couldn't help it.

When he was called, it wasn't for dinner. Sam, Jacob, Leah and his mother sat around the table, waiting for him.

"What's going on?" He asked curiously.

"I heard something interesting about your day today." Sam started. Seth eyed his family curiously. "You befriended an outsider?" It was posed as a question but they all knew it was a statement. Seth fought the urge to roll his eyes. It was clear now, the pack passed on the message of his behavior today to Sam and he brought Jacob in hopes it would have some influence on the situation, because of how much Seth looked up to Jake.

"Yeah." Seth said, he knew it was no use to deny it, there were six witnesses who knew the issue and about a hundred others who were happy to gossip about it.

"Why?" Jake asked, asserting himself. Seth couldn't do anything but shrug.

"Seth, you know the rules." Sam said.

"Yeah, yeah, we aren't allowed to socialize with anyone who doesn't know the secret." Seth grumbled.

"And that rule is in place to protect everyone to whom it pertains to." Sam said. "The less people who know about us, the better. If you can't accept that then I will have no choice but order you to keep away from others."

"No!" Seth exclaimed. Sam and Jake look surprised, while his mother looked disappointed and Leah looked slightly entertained. He wasn't usually one to talk back to figures of authority but his mind immediately went to Grace and he couldn't stand to be away from her, alpha command or not. "Y-you can't do that." He mumbled quietly.

"I can't?" Sam's voice was lower now, challenging him.

"Not like that, I just mean-" He muttered, shifting his weight from side to side. He wasn't exactly sure how to explain it and just as he was about to say it he realized, he's never said it out loud before. "I imprinted on her okay?!"

Leah rolled her eyes, instantly upset with him, which is actually one of the reasons why he didn't want to say anything in the first place. She wasn't sympathetic with the imprint because of the whole Sam thing and as soon as she heard that word from her brothers mouth, the first word to come to her own mind was 'traitor.' Jake looked surprised and happy for him but there was a sadness under his eyes, everyone knew how much Jake wanted to imprint, actually everyone wanted him to imprint, just so he could get over Bella. His mother was happy- proud almost, of her son. And Sam, Sam understood, well until the conversation persisted.

"Why didn't you just tell us?" He asked.

"I know you would want me to tell her but I don't want to." He said.

"Seth, you have to tell her." Jake said, leaning in.

"No, she's innocent, she's- she's good." Seth stuttered. "I'm not going to drag her into all of this." He snapped, turning on his heel and walking back to his room.

But there was one reason above all that Seth wouldn't admit for being so secretive. Telling the imprintee about the imprint might compel them to be with their shifter, Seth saw it when Sam told Emily, had Sam not told her, she would still be Leah's cousin angry with him for breaking her heart. And Seth didn't want grace to feel like she had to love him.

Veiled [Seth Clearwater]Where stories live. Discover now