Stranger in a Strange Land

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"Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own." ~ Robert A. Heinlein 

 "What the hell is your problem?" Leah growled, taking her eyes off the road for only a moment to scowl at her depressing little brother.

"Nothing." He mumbled, staring out the window. It had been 48 hours since he saw Grace, and his will to live was dwindling.

She rolled her eyes and kept driving, usually he was irritatingly cheerful but today, he was oddly silent. She chalked it up to the fact that today was Monday and left it there, not wanting to wake the annoyingly happy person who seemed to still be sleeping. He didn't want to go to school, he wanted to wander around Forks until he could catch a glimpse of Grace's glowing beauty but his mom was not having any of it, and she dragged his ass out of bed.
Leah parked in the corner of the parking lot in which the pack claimed as theirs, she hated that she could only socialize with them but did it anyway, because on a level she understood. They got out of the car and joined the group in silence. The pack had strict rules when it came to outsiders, the less they knew the better. So the pack only ever hung out with their small group and pushed away just about everyone else.

"I cannot wait until Sam lets you run patrol." Embry groaned to Seth. Even though there were more members in the pack now, Sam kept Seth home studying which meant the rest of the pack had to take turns picking up his slack and with bodies pileing up around the area, that meant more work for everyone. At first, Seth hated that they treated him like a child but ever since he met Grace, he was grateful for the fact that he didn't have to share his thoughts.
Seth wasn't in the mood to say something back, but instead, more focused on the intoxicating scent filling his nose. He turned to the source and there she was, in all her glory. She stepped out of a car, brown hair flowing with the wind. Seth was completely stunned by her beauty. She walked towards the ugly red building, a binder in hand and, a scared look on her face. Seth detached himself from the group, walking towards her.

"What the hell is he doing?" Quil mumbled, curiously. The pack, who were previously trying to get his attention, watched as he approached a girl.

"Grace!" Seth called, making her turn to face him.

"What the hell is he doing?" Paul repeated, growling.

"Hey!" She smiled, a bit too excited to see him again. The pack watched intently as Seth fumbled for his words.

"What are you doing here- I mean, not that you aren't allowed to be here, it's just that you were in Forks so I just assumed..." He rambled on nervously, Grace giggled at him.

"My aunt is from forks, but I was allowed to choose whatever school I wanted, so I chose this one." She said.

"I'm glad." Seth smiled, only noticing how weird that sounded after he said it. "I mean, it's the best school in the area, so you should do really well here." He chuckled at himself, in part to how dumb he sounded but also in part to the fact that she was smiling at him and he couldn't help but feel so happy he could nearly explode.

"Hey, wheres the office?" She asked, showing him the papers she had to give administration. He took the papers from her and she leaned closer to him, causing Seth's head to go a bit fuzzy. The office could clearly be seen from where they were standing but he didn't want her to leave after he pointed it out so he offered to show her the way. She smiled gratefully and he led the way. They walked towards the entrance, and as her stomach did flips, they gained the audience of not just the pack but a lot of the other students as well, wondering who she was and what she was doing with Seth Clearwater.

"What the hell just happened?" Jared demanded. The others exchanged worried looks, the truth was, none of them were really sure. But they did know one thing, when the council found out, Seth would be in trouble.

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