The Agency

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The recruitment process was much like the one for MI6. You had to go to a series of job interviews before the true purpose of all of these continuous back-to-back interviews was revealed. When Elle thought of the 40 odd people that were in the room on the same day as her she thought she'd never rise to the critical acclaim of the fantastic Rupert Giles the most famous watcher who had ever lived.

But she had.

Elle controlled all the Watchers in the world apart from New Zealand because they thought they could handle the problem of every potential slayer being activated by the witch in 2003. Boy was they wrong, but in London, Elle was preparing for the HM Inspectorate of Paranormal Activity. All of the UK government and officials of the government would be there and it was the job of all the slayers in the UK to guard and protect the building.

Watchers and Slayers are VERY different things Slayers are the "Balance between the veil of death and life, and the killers of the undead and monsters, things that are unnatural to humans." And Watchers do exactly that. Watch. But they also play a part in training the slayers.

All of the Inspectorate of Paranormal Activity would be relying on about 30 Slayers to protect all 589 of them.

As Elle took her seat in the briefing room, at the conference, a 'man' with teeth the size of razors broke though a window. And before anyone had noticed the 'man' he was a pile of dust. That was the inner Slayer, so quick as to take down a vampire in the blink of an eye. 

Everyone in the room turned and stared at the Slayer, who had just entered the room, and then in the classic movie like action one person clapped slowly and everyone in the room copied, apart from Elle who instead of being naive and thinking that the fastest a Slayer could stake down a Vampire was that. That motion was SLOW compared to what could happen. 

Luckily the entire conference survived for the duration of the conference. apart from that one man-thing that nearly sucked dry the entire room. 

Elle was in her office, going though the annual budget she got from the UK government. When the reception desks panic alarm went off. This to people working at the agency meant there was an unlicensed supernatural in the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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