During lunch i went to principal and correspondent office.They too asked the same question and i answered the same lie.They advised me that our personal matters should not spoil our career.they asked me to concentrate.They even told me that Every one will have a tough phase in my life.We have to learn to pass it so that only we can suceed in our life.I thanked them and i came out.

Some how the day passed by others questions and my lying answers.I went to my Home and did my chore and then i went to sleep. i think that i should tell about Abbas to Shabbir.

Third Person POV

Next day morning unusually it was cold.The black clouds hide the sun.The freezing chills are making everyone to shiver.It was like a silence before the storm.

As usual the gang arrived at the place.They planned to bunk the afternoon class as there were meeting for the staff and moreover they wont be any classes taking place.

Shabbir arrived the campus around 1.30 in afternoon.Areesha dont know what to talk.Its like some one restricted her to talk.Shabbir on seeing Areesha face knew tht some thing is wrong.She looks pale and dull.Her friends asked her to tell.She started to tell about Abbas to him.

Shabbir was listening keenly to her.Tears were trembling down on her chin.She told him t hat she never thought that Abbas will come for the promise.With tears she told him she forgot the promise after he reminding her only she came to know that it was not a child game.

The gang told him about his arrival and threatening her.Shabbir hold her hands and told that "I Believe you Aree.You dont worry i will take care.just trust me.Whether your dad know about Abbas doings?"

Areesha told him"No. i dont think that dad and mom knows about Abbas thoughts."

Shabbir asked " can we tell about him to our parents?"

Areesha asked him "whether your parents will mistake me as a bad girl?"

" No dumbo.They wont .i promise you."

They all came out from the campus.They were waiting for the bus. Areesha was now happy that every thing will be okay.Suddenly a car came and stopped before them.It was a black tinted glass car.So they cant see who is inside.The passenger door opened and a person came out.It was Ammar. He smiled on seeing Areesha.The gang and Shabbir stood there want to know who he is.Areesha introduced him to them as Ammar bhai.

They relieved on knowing it as Ammar bhai. Shabbir gave his salam to him.Shabbir thanked him for coming here to meet her on her sayings.Ammar liked shabbir instantly.he was calm rather than Abbas. Areesha told Ammar that she and Shabbir going to get marry after she finishing her M.D..

Ammar recognize the situation in which he is in.His best friend Abbas is in love with this girl whom he thinks her as his little sister.Where as she was not at all aware what all the things she is going to know.He was confused on how she will react on knowing the truth which will shatter her life.He is also a one of the culprit for making her a victim in......

he stood there with guilt.Areesha , shabbir and the gang looked him.Aree hold his hand and told him"Ammar bhai i told about Abbas to shabbir and he understand me."

Shabbir told Ammar"she is not in fault.It happened when she was a kid.Now 9 years passed by.I think it will be better if you make your friend to understand"

Ammar asked Areesha"What you told to shabbir"

she told "the promises which we made while he was leaving to US.i never took it as serious.you know him very well as he will be asking me to do promises even for a small thing.I even forgot that.Then he only remind me."

Ammar thought "Even she didnt remind the promise.They all are thinking that he is here for the promise.How i can hope that she will reminisce that.I should have not allowed them to that.I should have know about Abbas.Now everything is out of control.I hope that Allah gave her a strong heart to overcome everything."

Ammar told her "Im sorry Areesha. im also a culprit for your suferrings.i cant help you Areesha."

Areesha looked him"but you told me that you will help me"

"Im sorry Areesha.Its not in my hand Beleive in Allah.You and Abbas belong to each other."Ammar told her with a guilt face.

Areesha collapsed on the ground because of her break down.she asked "why bhai?i beleived you.why?"

The gals patted at her back.The back door of the car opened and a person got down.The gang whispered Abbas.He glared at Shabbir. shabbir looked him.Raj told Shabbir that he is Abbas. Shabbir glared at Abbas.

Shabbir told Abbas that its not the place to talk .They will talk lately.Shabbir went near Areesha to hold her.When he bent near Areesha ,Abbas fisted his hand to punch at shabbir face.Shabbir dodged his punch.Ammar and Raj hold Abbas.Bala and Roshan hold Shabbir.

They both were in fierce.Areesha looked them and shouted leave.Areesha standed up there with a determination.

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