Chapter 1 (Intro)

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My life as Rose ...

Maybe I should introduce myself first, well my name is Rose Elizabeth Hilfiger, I'm 18 years old. I live in LA, California along with my mom Ally and my sister who just turned 15 last week. My father lives in New York City right now. I love it there but not as much as I love LA.
I have long straight black hair and dark brown eyes (sometimes I like to wear contacts, shhh). I'm 5'8, apparently not tall enough for my grandpa...
My parents are very young, people sometimes think that they're my friends, that's kind of funny.
As you might have noticed I'm Thomas Hilfiger's granddaughter. My family is kind of famous, but to be honest I don't care.
If you're wondering, no I don't go to school. I've been studying at home for the past 5 years (sometimes I liked, sometimes I didn't). I don't think I'm going to study for college, I'm not interested about it for now.

There's so many things I like to do when I'm bored, anxious or stressed, for example drawing or working out. Not gonna lie I'm in a very good shape, I like to exercise and leave all the negativity behind.
I've four important friends who are very close to me.
Bella Hadid, she's three years older than me but we get along amazingly. She's my best friend.
Kendall Jenner, we know each other since I learned to walk my first steps. I love her.
Cameron Dallas, he can be annoying sometimes, but I love him, even though we know each other since he started modeling.
As I'm friends with Cameron I'm also friends with Aron Carpenter. He's the sweetest.
I've been living in LA my whole life.

I travel a lot but I'm 100% sure that I can't live in another place.

What's up guys?
Thank you so much for reading this!
I hope you liked, tell me what you think of it. 💘

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