I Said It

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I told Chloe everything. Starting from whacking Charlie with my skateboard, and ending with the lunch date. Chloe listening to the whole think without any interruption. It made me feel good to finally have someone to talk to.

My parents were getting home late tonight, and I was really starting to miss them. I wanted to talk to them about Charlie, but they aren't the most approachable people when you only see them two times out of the week.

Chloe told me that I should tell him that I love him. Actually her exact words were,"Girl, why the hell are you sitting here with me, and not on Charlie's front steps?! Your in love with him for Gods sake tell him. Don't text him. Don't call him. Don't video chat him. Drive to his house and tell him, face to face."

"Chloe," I couldn't finish my sentence because I started to cry. She put her arm around me and squeezed my shoulder.

"What's wrong Acacia?" Chloe said sympathetically, still rubbing my shoulder.

"It's going to be so hard to tell him. I didn't want to ruin our friendship, it was so special and what if he doesn't love me back?" That last "what if" stung me. That's why I didn't want to tell him. I couldn't bare to hear is response.

"Acacia, you can't live your life in fear, you need to do this."

"I know."

"I can drive you there."

"Ok, I guess."

We walked out of my room and toward the stairs. My legs were weak and shaky. I practically fell down the stairs, but luckily Chloe saved my fall. I grabbed my jacket and opened my door and stood there like the idiot I was. Charlie was standing in front of me. What was I going to say?

"I should go," Chloe said bringing me into a hug. She whispered into my ear,"It's going to be ok."

I let her go and smiled. She waved bye and left. Great, the time had come.

"I think we should talk about-" I cut him off.

"I need to tell you something. Please just let me talk. I don't care if you end up hating me I just have to get this out." I motioned outside and I sat next to him on my front steps.

"I've been hiding this feeling for a while now and I tried to ignore it. Ignoring it only made it grow. I have finally come to my senses, yes I was embarrassed to be with you at first. I know that we were never dating, but that's the problem. No one would believe we were dating because I've never even set eyes on a boy without getting made fun of. Yeah it really sucks because I want to be with you and I don't want to care what other people think, but sometimes it's hard. And so I realized that the feeling that continued to grow, and is still growing, once I stormed out of that restaurant is that I am in love with you. I tried not to fall for you, but it didn't work. I am hopelessly in love with you."

"Acacia how did you not know this?"

"Know what?" I said, trying not to cry.

"I've always loved you."

And then it happened. It finally happened. Charlie leaned in and put his soft, warm hand on my cheek. I wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned in with him. And then we were kissing.

"I love you, Charlie."

"I love you, Acacia."

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