Chapter Seven: Just Swish and Flick (Year One)

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"Mione!" I stop in front of door that leads to the Great Hall. "Come on, where are you?"
I stand on a bench nearby in hopes that I'll get a better view. As I go to move my hair behind my shoulder, I notice the yellow colour gracing its end. I puff whilst looking over the sea of students, trying to spot the bushy haired girl.

"Miss Dursley, may I ask what you are doing?" I hear someone ask, causing me to turn around to see Professor Snape.
"I..I was just, um, was just..uh?" I stumble as I lock eyes with the unimpressed Professor. I can't just casually say that I'm standing on school property so I can find my friend who ran out after charms class!

"She's trying to find the Golden Snitch." A voice interrupts and I see Oliver standing behind me. Thank god. "I accidentally let it lose. Better to prepare her now." He speaks while sending a wink towards me.
"But Miss Dursley is your Chaser, no? Mr. Potter is your new seeker, I believe." Snape bites back, and I'm suddenly faced with the question of why I'm fond of like this Professor.

"Yes, this is true but Harry is nowhere to be seen, so I found the second best." Oliver replies confidently.
"Very well, Miss Dursley get down from there immediately!" Professor Snape instructs.
"No need to tell me twice." I joke as Oliver helps me down.

"Thank Dumbledore you showed up." I exclaim as the captain releases me.
"No problem, but what were you doing?" Oliver questions.
"Oh well Ron was rude to Hermione so she ran off. Then I went after her. Then I stood up there to see if I could find her. Then my hair turned yellow because I'm so worried about her. And then Snape stopped me, then you appeared and now we're here." I rush out.

"Well if it helps, I think I saw a bushy head run towards the girls bathroom." The boy before me informs.
"Mione! Thank you" I shout whilst rushing off. "You're a legend."

As I enter the girls bathroom, everything is quiet. I walk further into the room and I can hear a soft sobbing.

"Hermione?" I ask softly, my hair beginning to turn back to its natural colour.
I don't get a response, but I do hear a sniff. I walk slowly towards the sound. Fourth stall. I gently push open the door to see the brunette huddled on the floor with her knees brought up to her chest.

"Oh Mione. Why are you crying over him?" I question as I sit beside her.
"Because Adele. Not everyone can be smart, funny and beautiful like you. The only thing I have is facts and cleverness. Who likes that?" She sobs into my shoulder.

"Okay well first of all. You're all of those things Hermione. And second of all, who wouldn't want to be like you, you're amazing and a lot of people like you Mione!" I inform, rubbing her arm up and down.
"Yeah like who?" She asks through sobs.
"Well me for one, Lavender, the Patils, Seamus, Dean, Neville, Harry and even Ron...he's just in denial." I encourage her with the truth.

"But why is he mean?" Hermione wonders as her sobbing continues.
"Because Ron's an idiot." I exclaim with a short laugh. "He was just frustrated that you got the charm before he did. You'll see, one day when he needs it, you'll be there for him, and he'll be there for you. And not just for a stupid charm."

"Thanks Adele, that makes me feel so much better." She leans over and embraces me in a hug.
"Well I need to get food! You coming?" I ask whilst standing.
"Sure, I'll come in a second." She smiles at me as I walk out of the bathroom.

I head towards the Great Hall, but a sound stops me in my tracks. Peering around the corner, I see that Professor Quirrell is walking away from the entrance, weird. I continue walking and push open the doors of the Great Hall with a loud creak. Everyone falls silent, and my hair turns pink as all eyes land on me.

"S-sorry?" I speak to no one in particular.
"That's quite alright Miss Dursley. Please take your seat and let's continue with our meal students." Professor Dumbledore responds with a smile. I nod as conversations start up again. I slowly take my seat beside Harry.

"Where have you been?" Ron asks from in front of me.
"With Hermione, who is crying. You should really go and apologise." I say to him.
"But she's the annoying know it all, who..." He begins.
"Is still your friend." I finish for him and give him the puppy dog eyes. "Please."
"Ugh! Fine. I'll apologise." Ron gives in as Harry chuckles at my accomplishment. "Oh shut up Harry!" I laugh.

"So guess who I saw walking out of the hall before I walked in?" I offer, changing the subject.
"Who? Snape? A ghost?" Harry and Ron quiz.
"No, don't be so stupid. It was Professor Quirrell." I whisper, but the boys just burst out laughing.

"Yeah and we're being stupid!" Ron says between laughs.
"I'm being serious!" I raise my voice as a few heads turn towards us.
"What would poor old st-stuttering Professor Quirrell possible do?" Harry jokes around.

"No wonder Hermione's annoyed at you! You are both so immature!" My voice raises as I stand up. Before realising what I've done, all eyes are once again on me to see what I am now losing my head about. I glance around at other tables only to see smirks and curious faces.

"Troll! In the dungeon! T-troll, in the dungeon!" Professor Quirrell rushes into the hall. "Thought you ought to know." He speaks softly right before he faints. The room falls even more silent, right up until everyone begins to freak out. Students from all houses and year levels get out of their seats and run around the Great Hall.
"Come on Addie! Ron!" Harry screams as we begin to move.

"Silence!" Professor Dumbledore booms as we all stop. "Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." He announces calmly as everyone follows his orders.

The Gryffindors follow Ron's older brother Percy, who is leading us to our Common Room.
"How could a troll get in?" Harry asks.
"Not by itself. Trolls are really stupid." Replies Ron.

"It was probably Professor Quirrell!" I add quietly.
"Hilarious Adele." Ron chuckles.
"Wait guys, Hermione doesn't know!" Harry speaks as he pulls us away from the rest of the Gryffindor students.

"Come on guys, I know where she.." I stop when I hear a grunting noise. "Did you hear that?" I ask as my hair turns a deeper shade of green.
"Addie?" Harry questions.
"Hear what?" Ron quizzes.

Another low grunt comes from the hallway.
"That!" I gulp, pulling the guys behind a pillar as the troll pasts. "Oh no Hermione! It's going to the bathroom!"
As the troll moves away, I quickly lead the boys into the bathroom, only to see that the troll has its club raised, ready to strike our friend.

"Hey ugly!" I scream at the troll my hair mixing between green and red. "Stay away from my friends!" I yell, charging towards the troll, wand raised. Of course, it wasn't much help as I don't know a single spell that could help me in this situation. I run towards the troll and end up being swiftly swatted out of the door frame and into the wall opposite the girls bathroom. "Ouch."

"Miss Dursley!" Professor McGonagall says as a group of Professors rush towards me.
"Miss Dursley, are you alright?" Professor Snape questions.
"I uh, I just..." I begin to get up only to fall right into Professor Snape "...hit my head on the wall."

"We-we should get h-her to Madam P-Pomfrey." Professor Quirrell stutters.
"Right, I shall do it." Professor Snape announces, changing his grip on my arms.
"No!" I snap back to quickly.

"But Miss Dursley...your hair." Professor McGonagall speaks.
"My what?" I question as I look at the ends of my hair. I gasp as I notice that they have started to turn grey. "What? Professor, it's never b-been this colour before."
"Severus, take her to Madam Pomfrey immediately, and get in contact with Nymphadora." Professor McGonagall requests.

"Will do Professor." Professor Snape starts to lift me up, but I refuse.
"I'll go later Professors!" I yells. "Harry, Ron and Hermione. The troll is in the bathroom."
Well that got their attention. Suddenly I am lifted up and am moved to the bathroom.

"Addie!" Harry yells at my appearance, coming to my side. By now there is a massive crowd outside the bathroom. Some staring at the huge troll, and others at me in Professor Snapes arms.
"Oh, oh my goodness! Explain yourself, both of you!" McGonagall booms.

"Well, what it is..." Ron and Harry begin.
"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall." Hermione began, taking the blame. I smile as the head of Gryffindor awards Ron, Harry and I five points each. I turn my head, and suddenly, I don't feel too good.

"Pro-Professor?" I slowly say to whoever is listening."I don't, I don't feel so g-good." My head slumps against Professor Snapes arm.
"Oh Adeline!" Professor McGonagall calls as I feel myself being moved.

"Is that Adeline?"
"That's Adeline Dursley!"
I can hear the voices around me but I can't place any names to them.

"What has happened to Miss Dursley?" A women asks as I am gently put down on a bed.
"She hit her head Poppy. You'll need to contact Nymphadora and consult her on Miss Dursley's metamorphmagus powers. Ask her why her hair is turning....well grey." Professor Snape speaks in a rush.

The teachers continue to talk but everything is fading. Everyone is starting to fade out!
"" I say as loudly as I can but it only comes out as a whisper.
"Adeline!" Someone calls, and everything turns to black.

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