Chapter Four: The First Day of Classes and The Remembrall (Year One)

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Being shaken out of your dream state is never an ideal way to wake up. I open my eyes to see Lavender standing above, with a grin on her face.

"Come on Adeline, if you don't hurry we're going to miss breakfast!" She whines.
"Alright, alright. I'm up. You can all go ahead, I'll meet you there." I inform, releasing a short yawn.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes." I nod, watching the girls as they leave.

I release an agitated sigh as I drag myself out of bed. Why can't I just lay here all day? Slowly, I go through my trunk to find my school robes, which I pull on with great reluctance. I groan as I exit the dorm and make my way into the Great Hall, to take my seat beside Hermione at the Gryffindor table.

"Finally, you're here!" My friend exclaims.
"Yay!" I release a fake squeal, sending the brunette a soft glare.
Note the sarcasm in my voice. By now you've probably guessed that I am not a good mornings person.

"I grabbed your timetable for you. Today we have Transfiguration, Potions and Flying Practice." Hermione continued, ignoring my annoyance. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Yeah, totally." I nod whilst rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Sure."

"Hey has anyone seen Harry? Or Ron?" I ask, as I notice that neither of them have made an appearance.
"Last time I saw them they were in the dorm." Seamus replies with a small smile.
"Of course they are."


First class of the day, Transfiguration.
I continue to scribble down the work that Professor McGongall outlined as the room remains quiet. Glancing up, I notice that the Professor has taken her transfigured form of a cat, perched at the edge of her desk.

"Where are they? It's our first day of classes and they're already late." Hermione whispers to me, as rushed footsteps fill my ears.
"They are right there." I say, slightly amused as I turn towards the door to see a puffed out Harry and Ron.

"Whew, amazing, can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron exclaims as the pair rush to find seats. I look toward the front of the room to see that Professor McGongall has leapt off her desk and has returned to her human form.

"That was bloody brilliant." Ron speaks with amazement.
"Thank you for that assessment Mr. Weasley. Maybe if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocket watch, maybe one of you would be on time." The Professor speaks in disapproval.

"We got lost." Harry informs sheepishly.
"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats." Professor McGonagall gave them both challenging glares before they stalked to their seats behind us.
"That'll teach you to get up on time." I poke my tongue out at the boys before carrying on with my work.

At the end of Transfiguration, the four of us walk excitedly to our next class; Potions.
This class just so happens to be located in the Slytherin dungeon, meaning that we will be learning alongside the Slytherin first years. As we enter the room, Harry, Ron, Hermione and myself find a seat in front of Draco and his goons.

"But why do all of our classes have to be with Slytherin?" Ron complains, clearly agitated.
"Because, we are..." Hermione began, only to be silenced by the arrival of our Professor.

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class." I look up from Hermione to see our teacher.
"Oh great." I mutter under my breath. As listen to our Professor speak, I decide to glance around the classroom. The Slytherins all seem to be giving their undivided attention to Professor Snape, but I just can't seem to focus. However, I quickly snap back to my sense when I feel Ron kick me under the table.

"Ouch!" I squeal loud enough so that all eyes are now on me.
"Ah Miss Dursley. What a pleasure it is to have you in my class." The Professor speaks causing me to send him a sarcastic smile in return. Thanks, Ronald. "One of our two new celebrities. Mr. Potter." Snape snaps.

"Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Harry sits silently whilst Hermione's hand shoots up. Asphodel?
"You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" I see Hermione's hand shoot up again.
"I don't know sir." Harry answers, causing many of the Slytherins to snicker.

"And what, Mr. Potter, is the difference between Monkshood and Wolfbane?" Once again the room remains silent.
"Oh this is ridiculous, he obviously doesn't know. You're the teacher so teach us. Or ask Hermione who clearly knows the answer!" I snap earning a chorus of oohs.

"Our new celebrity is an attention seeker I see. It's such a pity that you both haven't been taught these simple things. Clearly fame isn't everything." Snape shoots back, looking very pleased with himself.
"Well I'm sorry that Harry's parents were murdered before they could teach us where to find a bezoar, what ever the hell that is." I snap, standing out of my seat. "I'm also sorry that we don't all get the privilege of being a stuck up pure blood. Oh I forgot to mention that my horrid family is made of muggles, who despise wizards because of Aunt Lily, which means they hate me!" A tear falls down my cheek, but I am way to angry to care. "So don't try and embarrass or insult us because we weren't raised by wizards." I yell, ending my rant.

I flop down in my seat with a puff, arms crossed over my chest. As the room remains silent, I stare forward. I move my hand up to wipe away the tears which have fallen. Behind me, I hear someone mutter that I might've been better as a Slytherin after all. I quickly snap my head towards the voice to see Pansy Parkinson with a smirk on her face. I snarl at her before turning away. My anger is beyond boiling point now, and I could've sworn that I saw a flash of red.

"Well, for that sudden outburst, fifty points will be taken of Gryffindor." Snape announces, looking rather unphased.
I sigh in defeat and look around the room.

"Why is everyone still staring at me?" I whisper to Hermione.
"Your hair Adele. It's turned red." Hermione looks at my hair in amazement. My eyes widen as I grab a piece of hair to see the ends glowing red, blood red.

"Mione, what is this?" I ask, worry lacing my voice.
"Adele, I think you might be a metamorphmagus." Hermione says with a growing grin.
"A what?" I question.
"Metamorphmagus. Someone who can change their appearance without a spell. And I'm guessing your hair changes according to your mood." The girl exclaims, sounding rather excited now.
"Oh." I release a breath and turn my attention back to the Professor. A metamorphmagus?

After calming down a bit, I began to pay attention to class. Turns out that Potions is an interesting class. Weird, ey?


As Potions finished, we rushed towards the Great Hall to do some homework. Okay, maybe we didn't rush. I myself, didn't feel like doing catch up homework so I grabbed my sketchpad instead.

"What are you working on?" Dean asks while taking a seat beside me, with Seamus and Neville sitting before us. I look past him to see Harry and the others sitting a little further down the Gryffindor table.
"Just a drawing." I reply not looking up from my sketch book.

"I know, I mean what are you drawing?" He pushes and I sigh, looking up.
"I'm drawing a faerie." I inform, but as Dean glances at my sketchpad he scrunches up his nose.
"That doesn't look like any fairy I've ever seen." He speaks, pointing out features that look odd.
"That's because you're thinking of the stereotypical fairy you see in movies." I begin to explain. "But I am thinking of a faerie. The powerful and devious creatures that wreak havoc on humans."

"Oh. That seems interesting." Dean smiles as he bumps my shoulder.
"They are." I smile in response. "Say Dean, what is Seamus doing?"
"Trying to turn his water into rum. Just give it a sec." He speaks with a smirk.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string rum. Turn this water into rum." Seamus looks into the cup expectedly.
"Dean nothing happened." I say a bit confused.
"Just wait." The boy beside me says with a smirk.
"Eye of rabbit, harp string rum. Turn this water into rum."

BOOM! I watch as black smoke covers Seamus' face. Oh. I bring my hand up to my mouth to suppress my laughter.

"Haha I told you to wait for it." Dean laughs in satisfaction.
"Seamus are you alright?" I ask genuinely worried. Instead of responding, he just stands up and walks around the table towards us. Dean catches my attention and makes pouty faces towards me. "Oh hush up!"

As Seamus takes a seat beside me, he slings his arm over my shoulder. I laugh, but I swear I hear someone cough behind me.
"I'm alright darling." Seamus informs, and a blush covers my face whilst causing the ends of my hair to go pink. "By the way, you're drawings are really good." He smiles down at me.
"Thanks." I return the smile.

"Okay love birds, mails here!" Dean exclaims causing my hair to now glow an even brighter.

Now in anyone else's eyes owl post is awesome, but to me it just reminds me that I'm a muggleborn, whom no-one can love. I look around at everyone and see Neville with a glass ball.
"Neville what is that?" I ask fascinated.
"It's a Remembrall." Seamus informs.
"Oh, I've read about those." Hermione joins in. "When the smoke turns red, it means you've forgotten something."
"The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten." I giggle at his cluelessness.

"Hey Addie, come here a sec." Harry calls me over. I smile at Seamus as he moves his arm, allowing me to pack up my things and bid them goodbye before I move to sit beside Harry.

"What's up?" I question as I glance around our group.
"Someone broke into Gringotts." Harry informs as he passes me a copy of the Daily Prophet.
"What? How?" I ask.
"Dunno, but it says vault number 713." Harry says as he points to a line in the article.
"Isn't that's the vault Hagrid took us to?" I question as my cousin nods. Oh boy.


Here are the colours that Adeline's hair changes to depending on how she is feeling:
red - anger
pink - embarrassed
purple - love
dark blue - sad
white - danger
yellow - worried
green - scared
orange - confused
light blue - excited

Bye lovelies xx

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