Chapter Three: The Train Ride and The Sorting Hat (Year One)

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"Think my names funny, do you?" The blonde questions. "No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley." The boy sneers and I scoff.
"That wasn't very nice of you." I speak, addressing Draco and his goons.
"And who are you?" He asks rudely.
"Adeline Jade Dursley." I inform, head held high as the room fills with gasps.

"I believe that you owe Ron an apology." I instruct, only to receive a laugh in response.
"So, you're Harry Potters famous mudblood cousin." Draco speaks and a round of gasps fill the air once more at his choice of words. "Well Dursley, he won't be getting one."
"Rude." I puff under my breath, but just loud enough for him to hear it. Draco catches my eye and sends me a wink before returning his attention back to Harry.

"We'll soon find that some wizarding families are better than others Potter. Don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort. I can help you there." Draco informs as he extends his hand.
"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." Harry responds, avoiding the outstretched hand.

As if on cue, Professor McGonagall reenters the space. She taps Draco's shoulder as she clears her throat.
"We're ready for you." She announces, and the two large doors before us open to reveal the Great Hall.

Walking down towards the front of the Hall is daunting. All the students whom are in the years above us are just watching, probably curious as to which first years their house will take in. When we reach the front, Professor Dumbledore gives a short speech and then hands it over to Professor McGonagall.

"When I call your name, you will come forth, I shall place the sorting hat on your head, and you will be sorted into your houses." On cue, McGonagall rolls out a large scroll. "Hermione Granger."

I squeeze her hand before she walks up to the chair. As soon as the hat touches her head, it announces Gryffindor and the table of students cheer as she takes a place. Next was Draco Malfoy. Unsurprisingly, he got sorted into Slytherin house. On the train, Dean was explaining that Slytherin has a long history of producing Dark witches and wizards.

Looking up at the teachers table, none of them look familiar. A part from Professor Quirrel and Hagrid that is. Although, one teacher with black hair and pale skin catches my eye and I observe him with interest.

"Ow!" I curse softly as a burning sensation starts up where my scar is.
"Adeline, are you okay?" Seamus questions with worry.
"I-it's nothing. I'm fine." I stutter as the pain subsides.

It has been half an hour and I am still waiting to be called. All of my friends including Harry have been sorted into Gryffindor, which I suppose is a good thing. I look around at the tables and then up at Professor McGonagall. Shoot! I'm the only one left.
"Adeline Jade Dursley." The Professor calls, and The Great Hall falls silent.

I nervously walk up to the stool and McGonagall places the hat on my head.
"Ah Miss Dursley, what an odd one you are. I see you're a very talented young lady, oh yes. Got a good heart and lots of courage I see. But what's this...a hint of cunningness and deceit." What is going on?

My mind flips into panic mode as I look around the hall. I make eye contact with Harry, who just smiles in response. Looking over at the Slytherin table, I notice multiple students smirking in my direction.

"There has been a lot of heart ache and abandonment in your life." Great, why not tell the whole school my life story. "But where do I put you? You have great leadership and possess a golden heart. Much like your uncle."

I suck in my breath slightly as I wait for the Sorting Hat to continue talking.
" better be SLYTH -" It pauses. "No, I think GRYFFINDOR!" The hat finally announces and a smile falls upon my face.


As soon as the Headmaster finished his speech, a feast appeared in the middle of every table. While I was talking to Ron's brother, a school ghosts popped out of our food, scaring me half to death. Throughout the feast, Ron's twin brothers were telling us about all the trouble they have gotten up to over the years, causing me to laugh along with them. They are so hilarious.

Once we leave the Great Hall, Percy - another one of Ron's brothers - leads us to the Gryffindor Tower. As we stand before a portrait, Percy speaks the words 'Caput Draconis' and the portrait swings forward to reveal our common room. I walk through to the girls dorms to find out that Hermione and I are roommates. We're also with Lavender Brown and the Patil twins, Padma and Parvati.

We all get changed and decide to play a game of 'Truth or Dare' before going to sleep.
"Parvati, truth or dare?" Asks Hermione.
"What's the worst thing you've ever done to Padma?" Hermione questions with a slight smirk.
"That's easy, this one time she had a crush on this guy and so I pretended to be her so I could hang out with him. But they both found out and she turned my hair purple!" Parvati explained as we all erupted in laughter.

"Lavender, truth or dare?" Parvati questions the blonde.
"I dare you to run into the common room and yell Dumbledore is the sexiest man alive!" The twin snickers.
"Okay, gross but okay." And with that Lavender ran out of our dorm and fulfilled her dare.

The rest of the night flew by. When Lavender got back she asked me who the cutest guy at Hogwarts is. I was going to say Draco but then decided that Seamus is cuter, especially with his accent. I might have blushed a little bit whilst answering that one. Hermione also dared me to try seven Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. I ate dirt, sardines, belly button lint, mushroom, tutti-frutti, chilli powder and by far the worst, troll bogey.

After deciding that it was getting late and that we should probably go to bed, sleep just wouldn't overcome me. I lay awake, looking at Snow White and playing with her feathers. I sigh as my eyes begin to get heavy.
"Goodnight Snow." I stifle a yawn and slowly drift into sleep.

The Muggleborn Princess // Draco Malfoy [Harry Potter]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt