Chapter Twenty-One

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After so many days of never-ending sexual tension between the two, Jack and Marianne were finally together. Meanwhile, even after the previous day's emotional first date, Zack and I had never been any farther apart. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but his ignorance toward me was actually kept me awake; not even the alcohol that consumed my bloodstream was enough to make me fall asleep..

You know that feeling when you've just begun to get really close to someone - so close that you want them to know everything about you, and you want to be the one who they trust the most? That's the point that I was at before it happened. And by it, I mean the morning he blatantly ignored me.

I had woken up at 8 in the morning with a massive headache - it was my very first hangover. I knew there was no use in trying to wake up the girls, but I also knew that Zack was an early riser. I had sneaked into the boys' room in an effort to not wake the others. Zack looked up with a pained expression and took one glance at me before a look of pure disgust took over his face. Then he simply stood up and stormed out of the hotel room.

Alex was sleeping nearest to the door and woke up from the noise of it getting slammed shut. Standing there confused, I just stared at the door dejectedly. Alex asked me what was wrong, and I only told him about my headache, which the angry shutting of the door didn't help at all. Luckily he had a bottle of Aspirin next to his bed and seemed more than happy to share.

I spent the whole day attempting to replay the night before, but so much of it was fuzzy due to the excessive amount of alcohol and me being an apparent lightweight.

What did I do? I couldn't get that simply question out of my head all afternoon. Every time I decided to confront Zack and ask him what his problem was, he would put in his earphones and turn his music up loud or just walk out of the room.

In all honesty, I was starting to get pretty upset. I mean, I had spent almost three whole years fangirling over this band, especially him. Yet here we were in The City of Dreams and I had been living out mine. I had actually gotten to know him and see a side of him that not even his bandmates and best friends got to see; I had learned that he was so much more than the bassist in my favorite band. I knew his guilty pleasures, his deepest secrets, and even the things he had kept hidden from himself for so long.

He knew everything about me as well; more than even my best friend of eight years knew. Did I run him off? I mean, I didn't think my past was that bad. Plus he hadn't tried to escape when I first told him everything. So what was it?

A few hours later, he finally came back into his hotel room and I was sitting on a bed with Rian and stuffing my face with ice cream. Zack took one look at me and tried to run back outside. Unlucky for him, I had quick reflexes and managed to launch myself from the bed and landed on his back.

"Holly, get off." He huffed in a frustrated voice.

"Not until you talk to me," I replied with a snap.

"I am talking to you, now get off of me and let me go," he insisted.

I slid off of his back easily, but proceeded to follow him outside. He was protesting the whole while, of course.

"Zack, please tell me what's going on." I begged.

"You know good and well what happened," he said in a tired voice. It was at that moment that I noticed the bags under his eyes and realized that whatever I supposedly did, kept him awake the night before.

"I really don't," I said in a voice just above a whisper. I felt warm tears pooling in my eyes as I thought of what could've possibly happened to cause this sweet guy such turmoil.

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