Dougie Poynter: New love interest?

Start from the beginning

"Oh no!" I said, but deep down, I was glad.

"Shut up! You just want the house all to yourself, so you can be with Nathan!" She started to laugh

"No! I actually really miss you."

"Aw, I miss you too! Anyway, I just called to say mum called me earlier, asking for you, but obviously I'm not with you so, I think you should give her a call, or go over there at least."

"Oh okay. Did she sound angry?" I sat down on my bed.

"Um, no. Not really, just concerned, you have been keeping in touch with her, haven't you?"

"Yeah!" I found this strange, as I regularly text my mum to see if she's okay.

"Well, just call her."

"I will." I replied "I'll do it now."

"Let me know how it goes! Speak to you soon!" She hung up

I was getting nervous thinking about the conversation I was going to have with my mum. I felt like I was a teenager again, when she'd found out I got drunk, she wasn't happy! Or when I was 15 and had a boyfriend 4 years older than me...

I picked up my phone and dialled my mums number, she picked up straight away.


"Hi mum, it's me Eleanor." I felt so nervous, what did she want?

"Oh hello, Mollie told you then."

"Yeah she did, what's up?"

"I was just wondering if you wanted to come round for a bit, we need to have a chat."

I felt a lump in my throat, she always says this before she's about to tell me off, its like a warning signal for me to prepare myself for.

"Um, yeah okay. I'll be round soon." I stuttered

"See you then." She said, and hung up.

I felt physically sick, it must be one of the worst feelings knowing you're in trouble with your mother, I always get away with it with my dad, as I'm the youngest, I never panic with him.

I had a bit of a freshen up, and changed my clothes, my mum wouldn't like what I was wearing beforehand, I don't want to make her even more mad at me. I tied my hair up into a pony tail and made my way to catch the bus, as my parents house was only 10 minutes away.


I arrived at my parents house, I took a few deep breaths before I entered my key into the lock, I opened the door and was greeted by Lucky (my mums dog) straight away.

"Hello!" I smiled, stroking his soft fur, he returned the favour by jumping up and licking me everywhere.

"Lucky! Here!" I heard my mum shout, Lucky followed her orders and I felt the need to as well, it was times like this when I wished the ground would swallow me up.

"Hi mum" I smiled, she stood up and gave me a hug.

"How are you?" She asked

"I'm good, are you?"

"Yes" She smiled "Did you want a drink?" She asked

"Um, no thanks." I sat down on the sofa.

"Alright, I'll just make myself one and come and join you."

I sat in silence, and just listened to the kettle boil, I felt so nervous to speak to my own mother! I really wish Mollie was here with me.

Mum came back into the living room and sat down "That's better" she smiled, taking a sip of her drink.

I gave her a little smile.

"Now, Eleanor, I wanted to ask you, you're still with Nathan aren't you?"

"Yeah, but not officially. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone."

"I thought you were." She placed her laptop on her lap and opened it "If you're with Nathan, then what's this?"

She turned the laptop to face me and I gasped at what I read.


McBusted's Dougie Poynter seemed to have a guest at his house yesterday, in the form of Mollie King of The Saturdays' youngest sister, Eleanor.

Dougie seemed very happy to see her, and she wasted no time entering the house, before he was quick to close the curtains. Sources say she stopped the night and didn't leave until midday this morning. '

"Oh my god..." I gasped, I knew that guy was taking photos!

"So?" My mum stared at me, waiting for me to explain myself.

"It wasn't like that! We didn't do anything, I promise! We're just friends!" I could feel myself wanting to cry

"I believe you, Eleanor. But you really should be more careful, what if Nathan sees this article?"

My eyes shot up, I never thought about that! Even worse, what if Frankie sees it!?

"I'm in such a mess!" I couldn't help myself, but cry.

"What's happened?" My mum asked

"Well, Dougie asked me if I wanted to be friends, but Mollie didn't think it was a good idea because of Frankie, but I felt bad, so I went ahead and hung out with him, but that's it!"

"Calm down!" She rubbed my shoulder gently

"What if Frankie sees it?" I whispered "She's going to hate me."

"She won't! Not if you speak to her, and explain what actually happened. Besides, she knows not to trust what these idiots make up." She slammed the laptop shut.

"What do I say to her?"

"Just explain how you're friends with Dougie and nothing else."

"Okay." I replied, but thousands of thoughts were running through my head, what if Frankie doesn't accept the fact that we're friends? What if she hates me?

My mum made me a hot chocolate, I stayed with her for a while, watching Coronation Street with her. I felt calm for once, until I had a phone call from Mollie again.

"Better answer it." My mum said, pausing the TV


"Hi, did you speak to mum?"

"Yeah, I'm with her now." I replied, continuously looking at mum for help on what to say.

"What did she want?"

"Um, I" I stuttered and began to panic.

"Just tell her" My mum said, she obviously knew what Mollie had asked.

"You're not going to like this..." I started, Mollie stayed silent, waiting for me to speak again.

"Basically, I kind of hung out with Dougie yesterday, and I know you told me not to, but I felt bad and-"

"You hung out with him!?" She whispered, I assumed Frankie was probably in the room

"That's not the worst part...someone pictured me going to Dougie's house-"

"Oh god" She mumbled

"And they assume that we're together, but we're not I promise! We just watched a film and I just fell asleep-"

"Eleanor! Calm down, I believe you, but you need to be more careful."

"I know, I feel so stupid." I weeped

"It's okay, don't worry. Look, I've got to go now anyway, I'll speak to you tomorrow, love you."

"Love you too." I said, before hanging up, I felt so terrible.

------ Authors Note ------

Thanks for reading, if there is anyone...haha! Please comment and vote! Give me some improvements!

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