Dougie Poynter: New love interest?

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I woke up, I was still on Dougie's sofa, and he was still no where to be seen. I stretched my whole body, before removing the blanket on top of me and making my way upstairs to the bathroom. I tiptoed as I walked by Dougie's room, I didn't want to wake him.

I gave my face a quick wash, and used the toilet, before flushing it. It made the loudest noise possible, so much for being quiet!

"Shit!" I whispered, whilst continuously looking out into the hallway.

"Eleanor? Is that you?" I heard him shout

"Yeah..." I shouted back, whoops! I made my way back into the hallway, to find Dougie.

"Sorry." I said, not looking at him fully as he was in his boxers.

"It's alright" He replied, he walked by me "You might want to go downstairs, I haven't been to the toilet in a while, if you know what I mean."

"Lovely." I said sarcastically, and made my way downstairs. I tidied up where I'd slept, I straightened out the pillows and folded the blanket and placed it on top of the sofa, before exploring the kitchen to see what I could find to eat. He didn't have a lot, just a few empty boxes of cereal and about 3 slices of bread, not a lot to eat. I luckily found a jar of Nutella, so I decided to use the remaining slices of bread, I should probably make Dougie some, as he did let me stay here.

"What are you doing?" Dougie asked, coming into the kitchen, he was in a dressing gown this time.

"Just making some breakfast, why?" He grabbed the knife out of my hand and lightly pushed me out of the way.

"You're my guest, I should be making you breakfast!"

I frowned, I enjoy making breakfast.

"Now go and sit your ass on that sofa!" He said, pointing to the living room

"You're no fun." I frowned, and stomped into the living room, mocking a teenager.

Dougie entered and handed me my plate, he sat down beside me and turned on the TV, Titanic was still on.

"We didn't even finish it!" I said, shocked at myself as I was the biggest fan of Titanic.

"The ship hasn't even sunk yet!" Dougie said, staring at the TV.

I laughed at him, before starting to eat my toast. I helped Dougie wash up, and then I decided I should go home, I had over stayed my welcome.

"We'll have to do this again!" Dougie reached out to hug me

I hugged him back "We shall."

He pulled out of the hug and stared at me "Make sure you speak to Frankie."

I-I will." I replied, although I wasn't planning to anytime soon.

I walked to the same spot I got dropped off yesterday, and called for a taxi, it dropped me off home and I decided I would stay in tonight, definitely.


It was now 3pm, I'd spent most of the day cleaning up the house, as it was a complete mess. I left Mollie's room, as it was far too messy, I'll leave her to do that! It can be a little 'welcome home' present.

She must have sensed me thinking about her, as she called me shortly after.

"Mollie!!" I smiled as I answered the phone, I hadn't spoke to her in a couple of days.

"Hello!! How are you?"

"I'm great! How's things in L.A?"

"So good! But, we've got to come home soon..."

Friends Stick Together.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora